This page is a ripoff from - Thanks and respect to Per-Åke ( )
Reduce Spam/Junk - create a cryptered email address
How to do it?
"Harvesting" is the name of the techique used by spammers to scan homepages on their hunt for e-mail addresses. But normally they can only find addresss that are written in "clear text" on the homepage/source code.
Therefore all of our emails are put into the homepage in a crypted form. The normal person will not notice any differents - the e-mail address will be shown as normal, and its posiible to click on it for sending an e-mail. The translation of the encrypted email address is done by a java-script that the web-browser runs, when it loads the homepage

You are welcome to use the script below to encrypt email addresses on your own hjemmesider. Use the funktionen below to genered an crypted code of your e-mail address. Fill out the form with e-mail address and a name (optionel) - click on the botton "create crypted code" ("name" is not used if you want your e-mail address written as normally). You have to make the change in the HTML-source code, so copy the resultat into your web editor. The code you need to change can look something like this:
   <a href="mailto:exempel@domæ">exempel@domæ</a>
It needs to be change with the new code you have generered below - that will look something like this:
   <script type="text/javascript">
    document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,... ))

Please fell free to me at if you need help with anything (almost anything :)
(yes the text "mail" and my email address above is encrypted :)


E-mail address:
Name (optional):

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