Ki News #7
| Newsletter | March 2022|
Ki News #7 - March 2022
Welcome to Ki News, this time with the names of all the 53 promotions for this year.
As you might have heard Ki no Kenkyukai Internationale stopped the Aikido activities by the end og 2021.
So we had to make a new Ki no Kenkyukai umbrella association.
Ki no Kenkyukai Musubi.
Below you can read a small explanation of the name.
Other things to discover in this newsletter:
See 2 video interviews with Yoshigasaki Sensei:
- About teachers
- To succeed and to fail
Read about the website for the new Ki no Kenkyukai that is underway and seminar list for 2022
What's in a name?
New promotions for Rokudan
Video - About teachers
Video - success and failure
Website & seminars
What's in a name?
Ki no Kenkyukai Musubi is an umbrella association for all dojos that want to be part of this community.
The Kanji for Ki no Kenkyukai Musubi are:
氣の研究会, Ki no Kenkyukai is the part in the name that ties us to the history.
It is the name Doshu put on all of the Diploma from Shoden and up.
His Association had two different names they both contained this part; first Ki no Kenkyukai Assciation Internationale and then later Ki no Kenkyukai Internationale.
氣の研究会 It is often tranlated to Ki Society or Ki resarch Association.
Musubi kanji are 結び - meaning connecting.
So connecting us all in Ki no Kenkyukai.
I talked to several Japanese people and it is understandable, but for Japanese outside Aikido it can be difficult to understand.
Doshu used the word Musubi in "Kimusubi no gyo" and "Te Musubi"
Here are two short text from his book "All of Aikido"
"Kimusubi no gyo is a series of different techniques connected by their mean- ing and movement. Meditation is necessary to practise aikido. as a matter of fact, meditation is the basis of life. People have invented many ways of breathing and meditation and each method has its own purpose. Your purpose depends on your way of life. here the purpose of Kimusubi no gyo is to encourage people to practise breathing and meditation together as one continuous exercise. it combines several breathing techniques and meditation postures in a harmonious and logical sequence. starting with deep, vigorous breathing, it continues to meditation and finishes with a deep meditation."
".....in order to control the movement of the diaphragm more precisely, it is necessary to coordinate breathing and chest movement. this is achieved by Temusubi (putting two hands together). People all over the world put their hands together indifferent ways, but those ways put the hands together by pushing them against each other very slightly. it is all right to do so because they are not moving their arms.
Temusubi is the only way to put two hands together by pulling. "
At the end the name if not important, and it can change again.
It is what we do together as a group, a community that matters - I wish all dojos can find a good way individually and together.
New promotions
Big congratulations to all the 53 new promotions.
See the list at the end of this mail!
25 Godan, 13 new Rokudan, 12 Nanadan and 3 Hachidan!
After the passing of our Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei, this is first time we do promotions in a new way.
Up to Yondan (4. Dan) a student has to do different techniques, but for the grades above, there is no examination.
Instead the promotions Godan to Kudan (5. to 9. Dan) is given as a recognision of ones activities within the Aikido community. That one continues on the path.
This year all dojos and instructors have been able to propose other people for promotion.
It is traditional that the new promotions are announced in the beginning of the year, so next year the hope is to be able to announce themJanuary.
Therefore the deadline for proposing someone for 2023 will be November 1st. 2022.
After a big video meeting between all dojos in October 2021, the consensus was the following guidelines to help in the proces of proposing someone for promotion:
There should be around 5 years or more since last degree (this could also be around 10 years if looking over 2 degrees)
And one or more of these:
The candidate is active
Leading a dojo
Teaching regularly
Mentoring “young” instructors
Working with kids and teenager
Doing local or international seminars
The students of the candidate are developing and getting higher examinations.
Contribution to aikido community
Recognition of lifetime achievement.
Or some other good reason
See all the new promotions below!
Hachidan, 8. Dan
Eugène du Long
Giannoni Giuliano
Renata Carlon
Nanadan, 7. Dan
Bernhard Boll
Carsten Møller
Claudio Fasola
Davide Rizzi
Jan Eriksson
Louis Ticinovic
Magherini Sergio
Marco Bastianelli
Marco Zaccagnini
Michael Winter
Piero Messeri
Rainer Varis
Rokudan, 6. Dan
Aleš Leskovšek
Goran Kurnik
Joachim von Rost
Lennart Gullberg
Michael Holm
Mike Hayes
Milan Jeremic
Moreno Maule
Nenad Vertovsek
Pierre Cornu
Pennati Graziano
Roland Klimpel
Silvio Perin
Godan, 5. Dan
Andrea Ciambellini
Anne van der Aa
Becherini Alessandro
Bonciani Manuele
Ernesto Lluch
Frans Reijnen
Giuseppe Golin
Ibelli Carlo
Iris Scanlon
Jean-Paul Lett
Kevin Towers
Maj Edman
Godan, 5. Dan
Mara Montano
Marijan Kudrna
Marliés Van Erp
Maurizio Falchieri
Norberto Kiman
Paolo Cecere
Pelacci Emanuele
Raffaele Mori
Renata Ruic
Roberto Dalla Valle
Sigrid Buck
Simone Cappelli
Thierry Jaeger
About teachers
On teaching and learning.
Filmed by Alain De Halleux.
To succeed and to fail
To learn from success and failure is important
Filmed by Alain De Halleux.
Webpage & Seminars
The work on KnKM new homepage: https://knkmusubi.net are slowly happening.
Until the page is ready, there are links to dojos under Musubi on this page and dojos & seminar list on Helmuts page
Click on the picture to see it in big size (it shows the seminars registred 30/3/2022)
Besides these there will also soon be dates for seminars in Bremen, Zagreb and Argentina
Sensei in Bressanone
Michael took the picture of the picture visiting Renato Bertini in Uspallata, Argentina.
What year was this?
Where you there?!