This page is dedicated to the memory of our beloved Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei 1951-2021
Message de Marie Rose
J’ai la tristesse de vous annoncer le décès de Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei, mon époux, ce 12 février 2021.
Il a courageusement combattu la maladie, un cancer du pancréas métastasé dans le foie. Selon sa volonté sa maladie a été gardée secrète. Il voulait garder ce processus privé et le vivre seul.
Son chemin a été éprouvant, mais au bout, il a retrouvé la lumière et la paix.
En cette nuit noire, son visage est beau, lisse et lumineux comme une pleine lune.
Il a vécu ces trois derniers mois comme il a toujours vécu, en se donnant complètement à son destin. Il est parti comme il l’a toujours fait, sans demander la permission. Durant tout ce temps, à nous deux, nous avons « essayé l’amour ».
Il a donné son enseignement final, et sans doute le plus grand, celui de son départ qui nous dit comment continuer à trouver son propre chemin, et que ce chemin est intérieur. Il montre comment se tenir debout, sur ses propres pieds, sans s’accrocher à rien, sans écouter sa faim, au plus près de qui on est véritablement.
Désormais il poursuivra de l’autre côté son « voyage intérieur d’un étranger. »
A cause de la pandémie, la cérémonie de crémation se déroulera dans l’intimité.
Elle se déroulera le mercredi 17 février à 11h30. Nous vous invitions à nous rejoindre en esprit.
13. février 2021
Message from Marie Rose
It is with great sadness that I must announce the passing of Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei, my husband, this February 12th, 2021.
He courageously fought his illness, pancreatic cancer which metastasised in the liver. According to his wishes, his illness was kept secret. He wanted this process to be private and to be alone with it.
His path was taxing, but in the end he again found light and peace.
In the darkness of this night, his face is beautiful, smooth and luminous like the full moon.
He lived these last three months as he has always lived, giving himself completely to his destiny. He departed, as he has always has, without asking permission. During this time together, we two have “tried love”.
He has given his last teaching and undoubtedly his greatest, that of his departure which tells us how to continue to find our own path, and that this path is inwards. He shows how to stand, upright, on one’s own two feet, without holding onto anything, without listening to one’s hunger, as close as possible to who one truly is.
Now, he continues on the other side, his “Inner Voyage of a Stranger”.
Due to the circumstances of the pandemic, the cremation ceremony will be small. Please be welcome to join us in spirit.
It will be held on Wednesday February 17th, 2021 at 11:30am.
13. Februar 2021
Messaggio di Marie Rose
E' con grande tristezza che devo annunciarvi la morte di Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei, mio marito, il 12 Febbraio 2021.
Ha coraggiosamente combattuto la sua malattia, un tumore al pancreas con metastasi al fegato. Rispettando i suoi desideri la malattia è stata tenuta segreta. Voleva mantenere questo processo privato e viverlo da solo.
Il suo viaggio è stato faticoso, ma alla fine ha trovato luce e pace.
In questa notte oscura il suo viso è bellissimo, liscio e luminoso come la luna piena.
Ha vissuto gli ultimi tre mesi come ha sempre vissuto, donandosi completamente al suo destino. Se n'è andato come ha sempre fatto, senza chiedere il permesso. Durante questo periodo, noi due abbiamo "provato l'amore".
Ci ha lasciato il suo ultimo insegnamento, senza dubbio il più grande, quello della sua dipartita che ci dice come continuare a trovare la nostra strada e che questa strada è interiore. Ci mostra come stare in piedi sulle proprie gambe, senza aggrapparsi a nulla, senza ascoltare la fame, il più possibile vicino a chi sei veramente.
D'ora in poi lui continuerà dall'altra parte il suo "viaggio interiore di uno straniero".
A causa della pandemia, la cerimonia di cremazione si volgerà in forma privata.
Avverrà mercoledì 17 Febbraio alle 11.30, vi invitiamo ad essere con noi in spirito.
13. febbraio 2021
Cérémonie pour Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei
Notre Doshu bien-aimé Yoshigasaki Sensei nous a quittés ce 12 fév. 2021.
Une très belle cérémonie funéraire s'est tenue à Bruxelles à 11:30 a.m. le mercredi 17 février 2021.
Pendant ce temps, beaucoup de ses élèves de par le monde se sont rassemblés. Ils ont salué, allumé une bougie ou procédé à tout autre façon pour exprimer être de tout coeur et en pensée avec lui, avec Marie-Rose, Mihoko, Shin et toute la famille de Sensei.
A temps viendront des sous-titres / transcriptions en différentes langues.
Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei 1951-2021
" Au travers de mes 50 ans d'enseignement de l'Aïkido, j'ai trouvé que la chose la plus importante est l'amour et le respect.
Si vous me suivez, vous suivez le chemin de l'amour et du respect"
Ceremonia por el Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei
Nuestro amado Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei falleció el 12 de febrero de 2021.
Una bonita ceremonia de funeral tuvo lugar en Bruselas a las 11:30 horas de la mañana del miércoles 17 de febrero de 2021.
Muchos de sus estudiantes de todo el mundo se reunieron en ese momento. En su recuerdo, algunos prefirieron encender una vela y otros le enviaron su corazón y mente, así como a Marie Rose, Mihoko, Shin y toda la familia del Sensei.
Próximamente habrá subtítulos/transcripción en diferentes idiomas.
Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei, 1951-2021
En mis cincuenta años enseñando Aikido encontré que lo más importante es el amor y el respeto.
Si me sigues a mí, entonces sigues el camino del amor y del respeto.
Cerimonia funebre per il Doshu, Sensei Yoshigasaki
Il nostro amato Doshu, Sensei Yoshigasaki è venuto a mancare il 12 Febbraio 2021
La cerimonia funebre si è tenuta in Brussels, Mercoledì 17 Febbraio 2021 alle 11:30 am ora locale.
Molti dei suoi studenti si sono riuniti in quel momento in tutto il mondo. Si sono inchinati, hanno acceso candele o hanno trovato il loro modo di inviare il loro cuore e la propria mente verso lui, Marie Rose, Mihoko, Shin e tutta la famiglia di Sensei.
Con il tempo ci saranno sottotitoli e la trascrizione in lingue differenti.
Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei 1951-2021
Durante i miei cinquant'anni di insegnamento dell'Aikido, ho trovato che le cose più importanti sono l'amore ed il rispetto.
Se seguite me, seguite la via dell'amore e del rispetto.
Ceremony for Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei
Our beloved Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei passed away February 12th, 2021.
The beautiful funeral ceremony was held in Brussel Wednesday February 17th, 2021 at 11:30am.
Many of his students gathered at this moment all over the world. They bowed, lit a candle or another way send to the heart and mind to him, Marie Rose, Mihoko, Shin and all the family of Sensei.
In time there will be subtitles / transcription in different languages.
Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei 1951-2021
Through my fifty years of teaching aikido, I found the most important thing is love and respect.
If you are following me, you follow the way of love and respect.
Doshu once chanted this saying in seiza
and wrote the kanji to practice.
Everything matters
Alles doet ertoe
The person we knew as our teacher has gone.
Unasked he came,
Our path’s crossed with his,
He stayed for some time
And as he came so he has gone.
But when we know the path of his coming and going
We don’t grief after him,
For that is the nature of beings.
I take out the arrow of pain that is embedded in my heart
And follow what my teacher has left behind –
The path of love and respect.
Iris Anne Scanlon,
Aikido Dojo infinity Moves e.V.
You keep moving
My body
My mind
My heart
My soul
My world
You continue to be
An artist of life
A challenge of perception
A spiritual adventurer
Thank you for being true to yourself
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for caring
Lisa Kimiko Makholm

With the help we have received from our Great Sensei, in the silence of our mind, we search our DO.
Maurizio Volpe Shihan
Con l’aiuto che abbiamo ricevuto dal nostro Grande Sensei, nel silenzio della nostra mente, cerchiamo il nostro DO.
Maurizio Volpe Shihan
Caro Maestro, ti dedico queste parole.
A piedi sei partito,
alla soglia arriverai,
nella grande corte entrerai.
La tua canzone canterai
e tutti noi la sentiremo"
Il tuo allievo
Walter Brighen
Doshu Yoshigasaki was our teacher and mentor for over 30 years and he will leave a huge gap in our lives.
We remember the kindness, respect and patience he showed to all his students, his exceptional Aikido teaching and his lessons on living life well.
He leaves a full and wonderful legacy for all his Aikido students to follow.
Angus Lyall, Inverness

it's unthinkable and it's hard to believe! It's a great loss for me and I think for all of us.
Peace be with Sensei Doshu! His spirit and teachings remain perpetuated in the conscious and unconscious of his disciples and like-minded people, thus remaining in the world and leading us all to the better.
Whether we have understood him correctly, the future will show us.
My deepest condolences to relatives, family and all who shared his views and teachings, followed him, and were able to learn and adopt something important and meaningful from him.
From the Dojo in Hamburg
Walter Dervaritsch and Member
I think The way of love and respect is forever and so his words and his teaching. forever in our hearts and souls.
So I'd like to thank him personally and I will do it in my prayers.
May He Rest in Peace and Love.
Enrico Turci
I would like to express my sincere condolences to his wife and all his friends and family.
Andrej Trunk
His teachings have helped me to become a better person and a devotee of the way of Ki Aikido on and off the mat.
My condolences go out to his partner and family. His memory and his message of love and respect will always be in my heart.
Thank you Sensei for all that you taught us and may your guiding light shine on through our continued training and dedication to the art of living.
Paul Babalola.
"Love is the most important thing in human relationships. What people say is not important as long as the love is there. The important question is whether there is love or not. This is the reality that you have to see in your life."
Forever thanks great Sensei
Julian Jiterman
Sensei, We'll do our best.
Martin Kummrow, Freiburg
Seriousness and happiness.
Silence and noise.
Even if practice Ki Aikido since only 5 years you had for me smile and conversation immediately.
One day we well meet again and we will speak again about law and Sicily.
Michele De Santis
I remember very well the moment when Doshu impressed me the most, he said at a seminar; “many years ago I decided to dedicate my life to change the world through Aikido”.
Never before have I known anyone who has so openly and voluntarily dedicated his life to others. Looking at his work extremely thoughtful and extremely consistent, we can be sure that this is the truth.
On the other hand, as a very intelligent person, he must have known how a small piece of the world he could change. And yet he did not give up, he never discouraged himself, he never showed us impatience...
He really devoted his life to us
Krzysztof Gorący
My condolences to his family.
Sensei Yoshigasaki and his teachings will always live in our hearts.
Victor Vela, Mendoza, Argentina
Terrible news that we wish we had never received.
From my dojo, a fraternal hug to the family and the aikido family.
Rest in peace
Ernesto Lluch
I remember and would like to share a letter that Doshu shared with the women he invited to the seminar in Belgium, the women who were getting ready for the 4th dan. One fantastic experience and memory, time spent with Yoshigasaki and other amazing women.
"There is another slavery which still continues and it is slavery of woman.
The solution is again philosophical and not political. Aikido has been developed by men and I am also a man. Most Aikido students are also men. So we can assume that Aikido is developed in favour of men and it is necessary to develop it for women as well. That is why I decided to give this Aikido seminar only for women.
Yoshigasaki Sensei 6. January 2016."
It shouldn’t be forgotten.
Jelena Sever, Serbia
"Il volo dell'Airone sul lago
non lascia tracce sull'acqua
ma nello spirito di chi lo ha visto"
"The flight of the Heron on the lake
leaves no traces on the water,
but in the spirit of those who have seen it"
Grazie infinite Maestro, sono sicuro che con Beppe avrete molto da fare anche dall'altra parte del lago.
Paolo Cecere
Ki Dojo Firenze
It's been thirty-five years ago now that I saw Sensei for the first time. It was near the Pyrenees Mountains in a Ki Seminar held at a yogish community. It was dawn. He was coming down a slope surrounded by midst, dressed in his dogi and hakama. He looked like the perfect samurai in a Kurosawa's film. Since then everything changed.
We've lost the most creative and charismatic person I've ever met. His insights in every possible field of the human experience –not to mention Aikido– were always fresh and new and shocking. We'll miss him much more that we can guess now.
Now it's dark and sad. But this is a path, and this path remains open to all of us, isn't it?
Jordi J. Serra
UBK Ki Dojo Catalunya
Dear Sensei,
You will always be in my mind and body with love and respect.
Trying to express it in my way of life and teaching Aikido.
Trying to connect and meet others.
A path to go and renew.
Thank you for all you have given us.
Frans Reijnen/ Ki-Aikido Bemmel/ The Netherlands
Is it really true?
I cannot believe it is
The lightning strikes hard
Suddenly death’s here
See over the rim of life
Waiting silently
Start mae ukemi
With a clear mind I’ll rise
Now strengthened by love
Spring is coming soon
Death embraces life, v.v.
His legacy waits
I will follow the path
Accompanied with laughter
Of love and respect
Connected in my being
Astrid Spangenberg/ Bemmel/ The Netherlands
Dear Yoshigasaki Sensei,
We only met once in this life.
And yet, at that time I learnt from you two essential things.
You said that it took you around 30 years (or was it 35) of teaching to understand that we cannot change others. We can only assist in the process of change that they are themselves doing (or not doing). My profession is teaching. Your words are essential.
You also told me, on the last morning of the aikido camp, when I finally gathered the courage to approach you with a question at the end of the breakfast time, you told me that there is no 'outside' and 'inside' of the body. There is no border, there is no edge. Your answer has become my own 'research project' on a day to day basis. 5 years have passed since... and the research is continuing.
My gratitude is immense.
You have left this physical dimension, yet, the Universe is much more than what 'we see'.... and I know we are always connected, dancing KI here and there and everywhere...to the edges of the Universe... oh...but there are no edges...
いつもありがとうございます。感謝しています。(理奈 Cat)
My condolences to Marie Rose and his family from all Ki Aikido Buenos Aires group. My special deep grateful, for all these years of Doshu's teaching. We lost the best Aikido master but we will continue all what we learn from him.
Thank you.
Norberto Kiman
I met the Doshu first time in 1996 at Colle Val d'Elsa. I was an absolute beginner and the only thing i understood that day was that i wanted to learn
Ki Aikido.
Later i had the pleasure to be his Chauffeur sometimes. He always appreciated my Audi and made a lot of technical questions.
My most beautiful memory is a seminar in Freiburg, where almost nobody appeared and we were only a handful of students. First he was a little upset, but then we had a very intensive "private lesson". I had the honour to be his Ukemi for the rest of the day and that was an incomparable experience.
Farewell to a great Sensei and Doshu.
From Jan (Tuscany)
Dear Doshu Yoshigasaki,
Your seal is deeply embedded in my heart which has shaped me into one part of me today. Any of your teachings and attention directed to me will forever radiate into my Aikido skill movements. You taught me that we need to understand that so many stupid situations and problems happen in life just because people don’t communicate with each other. When we learn it is important to understand that no one knows. Mostly the relationship between people is based on liking and disliking. But when you learn a path like Aikido, liking and disliking is not so important. The deep relationship between teacher and student is that the student understands his teacher.
But the biggest problem is the Ego in general, everyone wants to be specially ranked and accepted like some other people. But that doesn't matter. That's why liking and disliking has nothing to do with learning. We need to understand what it means, accept that no one knows, mean respect. Thank you from the bottom of my ❤️ and we will meet again somewhere out there in a field of fragrant flowers.
Your student Vedran 🙏
With much sadness I've taken notice of the passing away of Doshu. My thoughts go out in the first place to Marie Rose, family, friends and want to wish them all a lot of strength for this loss. In second place to all who are inspired by Doshu on the tatami and in daily life. I'm thankful for the Aikido lessons learned, the people I met on the tatami, the love and respect and I'm thankful for the moments you asked me as an Uke.
Paul Reuling Ki-Aikido Bemmel The Netherlands.
Esprimiamo tutto il nostro cordoglio in questa difficile prova
Che la vita ha posto sul suo cammino Sentite Condoglianze
Al grande Doshu
La tua fine, che è senza fine,
è come un fiocco di Neve che si scioglie nell’aria Pura
Sappiate che la morte non ci porta mai completamente
Via la persona amata.
Rimane infatti la sua Opera che ci incita ad andare
Avanti con forza coraggio e amore
Sergio Magherini
I will really miss him very much. He was the biggest inspiration in my live and he is my role model for many of the qualities I strive to embody in my life.
Everything I have brought into my life since I met him first has been inspired by the spark that he ignited within me and most of the things that I am proud of within myself got revealed and nurtured as a result of his teaching.
I still remember when he told me about 15 years ago that after a book about life and aikido he would write a book about health and I am very sorry that I won’t get a chance to read it as my entire career change into touch therapy was inspired by his teachings about health.
I really hope we will get a chance to celebrate his life
A very big hug from Ireland
Alla notizia solo incredulità: non è possibile, qualcuno mio sta facendo uno scherzo? Non è pensabile che il Doshu possa morire! Io già mi immaginavo di incontrarlo a Bosco Gurin fiduciosa che il seminario si sarebbe potuto svolgere regolarmente e felice di incontrarlo dopo più di un anno di assenza. Come sempre, poter andare qualche giorno (in qualche città) per ascoltarlo era meglio di una vacanza, per me. Una vera vacanza per la mente (che si svuotava di ogni pensiero poco importante e di tutte le preoccupazioni di ogni giorno) e per l’anima (che nel “qui e ora” percepiva un’altra dimensione)…un po’ meno per il corpo (un po’ goffo) che cercava di rendere il movimento, spiegato e mostrato così bene, il più possibile coerente e armonioso. Spesso durante le lezioni mi sembrava che il Doshu parlasse direttamente a me e finalmente mi chiarisse alcuni concetti fondamentali su come “migliorare la proprio vita e di quelli che ti stanno intorno”.
Mi mancherà moltissimo e lo ringrazio con….. amore, rispetto e gratitudine.
Un forte abbraccio a Marie Rose
Maria Grazia
You taught us to imagine the future - one second at a time,
Now, we will have to do our best to imagine that future without you.
Thank you, Sensei.
Jacob Aremark, Ki selskabet, Aarhus, DK.
Un semplice ricordo
Maestro ci siamo conosciuti nel lontano 1979 e per oltre 40 anni hai fatto arte e il mio mondo AIKIDO.
Per varie ragioni non sono mai stato in Giappone, pur praticando un arte nata in quel lontano paese ma per me il punto di incontro tra oriente o occidente, tra la cultura italiana e giapponese sei stato tu.
Sei stato la linea da seguire nella tradizione ed evoluzione dell'arte che abbiamo condiviso per molto tempo.
Tutto ciò si è trasformato, ti sei spento fisicamente ma nella mia mente continuerà l'immaginario di quest' arte, come tu l'hai insegnata.
Ti saluto con un grazie e un semplice
Ciao Sensei.
Marco Bastianelli, Italy
Dear Marie Rose,
In this sad moment when our beloved Sensei is no longer with us, with a broken hearth I wish to express my deepest condolence to you and family. All we have now is memories and there are so many of them, big and small, from dojo and out of dojo, to keep and cherish.
I remember when at one of Velebit seminars you made for us a small story-telling performance in the dojo in the evening. At one moment, I turned around and saw Sensei sit far behind us all, alone, with a big smile on his face, watching you with such joy, pride and love… I also remember one cold Velebit night, when we were all gathered round the fire and you two, wrapped in blankets, heads together, were singing for us the old traditional Japanese song…. Let the memories that you have with him be a solace to you in the days to come.
I also remember when Sensei at one of the seminars said the following: “One day, when I am very old, I shall be only sitting and watching you, and you will practise the best that you can, because you will know that I will be watching you! “ We shall try to remember and follow his teaching the best that we can, hoping that Sensei can still watch us from a realm where he is now. He is one of those irreplaceable persons who touch other people’s lives and leave mark forever. He will be missed so much.
Aikido društvo Zagreb
Dear Sensei, dear Doshu Yoshigasaki!
In the year of 1982 began a journey for me, a journey with no end. It was the first seminar with you in Sweden. We were a group of people with a very open mind, curious about the new aikido-instructor from the great aikido-land in the east (even though you lived in Brussel). We were all young. You were young, but you had already a wisdom and an extraordinary way of teaching, with a confidence and knowledge as someone that has been practicing for many, many years. You showed us a splendid aikido and you started to lead us on a new path. And you come back, year after year, holding seminars, teaching us aikido and the way of unified mind and body. Always developing aikido-technics, getting deeper and deeper in the philosophy behind. Love and respect…
There are so many aikidokas around the world who are so grateful for all the time you have spend with us, giving us so much, showing us so much patience and not allways getting so much back. We have all gone older, and you became older, even though we thought you would live forever, and continue inspire us, and lead us, to improve our own abilities.
So many memories. So many feelings. I`m now a state of shock and grief, loss, deep sorrow(tears falling) and do not exactly know what my next step will be. But with gratefulness and some of the knowledge you transformed to me through the years I'll try to continue on the DO of love and respect.
Sending warm thoughts to Mary-Rose and family.
Thank you for all, Doshu
Lasse Persson
Ki-Aikido Örebro Sweden
I met Yoshigasaki sensei in 1992. He was a living example of a person who understood the way (Do 道). He also manifested it with his own essence and actions. Sensei also knew how to tell clearly things that were foreign to Western thinking. With his help, I learned to understand Aikido and, above all, Budo. He also helped me to find a path, which I call KiDo - Way of Natural Relationship. I am greatly thankful for him and I will always carry his teachings in my heart. We have lost a great teacher.
I would also like to express my warmest condolences to Marie-Rose and the family.
Jarno Metso
KiDo - Association of Natural Relationship
Lieber Doshu,
ich war nur für kurze Zeit ein Schüler von Deinen lehren.
Sie haben mich tief Ergriffen meine Wege wurden andere im Aikido
aber deine Lehren waren immer mit dabei.
Sei gesegnet auf deiner neuen Reise.
Gabriele Llewellyn, Germany
Dear Doshu,
i was only a short term student of your lectures.
They moved me deeply on my way of exercising aikido
although my aikido path changed your lectures where always
by my side
be blessed on your new Voyage
Gabriele Llewellyn, Germany
Started my aikido journey in the 90's and got stuck for the big movements with the combination of the small. It has been an exciting time and a lot of learning, realised at each camp that I never become perfect but need to continue to be curious about life's changes.
I had the privilege of having you sensei living in my house, on one of these occasions you became very interested in our stairs upstairs because it was open. You pulled and tore the stairs, wondering if it was stable / safe, which it obviously was.
Now I have to continue my journey without you sensei, it feels very sad but at the same time I am happy to have had the privilege to share your knowledge for almost 30 years and think of all the joy you have given us.
My condolences also go to Marie-Rose and family.
Dominique Dandefelt
Kõjõ Ki-Aikido Stockholm
It was with great sadness that I received the news of Sensei's death. He was a great enrichment for our Aikido and guided us with his very special way and encouraged us again and again to work on our own further development. In deep gratitude I bow down before a great master
Jan Stahl, Germany
I am shocked and deeply affected by Sensei´s death. For many years he has enriched my life with his unique way of interpreting the world. Thank you Sensei and rest in peace
Wolfgang Stücker, Germany
There is a lot of sadness and pain in my heart. I am thankful for having known you, Sensei, for more than 40 years and that I could learn from you in many seminars. I am also grateful for the encounters outside of the dojo. I wish you, Marie-Rose, a strong heart for the future. My thoughts are with you.
Jürgen (Coburg), Germany
Questo è stato il mio primo seminario; con lui è nata la Ki-No Kenkyukai Italia . Ha portato l’Aikido in Europa
Tanti seminari……………. Io ero giovane, frequentavo le superiori …………. Poi ho cominciamo a lavorare e ho incominciato ad andare ai seminari: seminari lunghi una settimana (come a Firenze o Bressanone in luglio), o seminari brevi di due o tre giorni (generalmente nel fine settimana: Torino, Firenze, Modena, Bologna, Lusiana VI, etc..)
Sensei mi ha esaminato………..
Ho praticato l’Aikido con passione ed entusiasmo per quindici anni: ho solo ricordi bellissimi, di amicizia, allegria e buona volontà……….
Poi la vita mi ha portato a scegliere, ed ho scelto di lasciare l’Aikido, ma senza rammarico, senza tristezza, perché comunque è ancora nel mio cuore………….L’Aikido è tutt’ora una pagina importante della mia vita
E di Sensei (nel seminario della foto, il suo italiano era proprio striminzito) ricordo le sue lezioni, spiegazioni………… ricordo le sue facce buffe …………….. però dopo la lezione, avevamo il cuore pieno di gioia, non c’era stanchezza, ma solo onore di averlo incontrato.
Grazie Sensei, per tutte le volte che mi hai lasciato piegare la tua Hakama
Grazie per il rispetto
Sono vicina a Marie Rose…………… Le mando un abbraccio grande….
Sensei……….. r.i.p.
Ambra-San, Italy
How to thank Master when he is gone…
What to do when 34 years of practice and friendship have passed and when you expect that someone will continue to teach you and share his time with you.
As if the only thing left for you is to be a true student even when your Sensei is gone, and to be a student still, as a dedication to the Teaching.
We would like to express our sincere condolences to Marie-Rose, his family and friends.
Vesna and Nenad Vertovsek and all members of Aikido dojo Zadar.
Sensei taught with words, and he taught with images. For me, the best teaching was the one without words, on the occasions I had the honour of being his uke. I am sad but also deeply grateful.
"Botan chirite / uchi-kasanarinu / ni san hen. The peony flower scattered / Accumulated / a few of the petals." (Yosa Buson)
Nico Poppelier, Utrecht (the Netherlands)

Geen druppel zullen
De chrysanten laten vallen
Hun dauw bevroren
Hana no yo no
Hana no yoh naru
Hito bakari
Soen Roshi
(Alle wezens zijn bloesems die bloeien in een bloeiend heelal)
With dearest respect to our sensei, Marie-Rose, family and all the aikido-family
Philomena van Wamel, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
The photo:
Upside down tree, with the roots in heaven and the trunks down to earth (1983).
Un saluto per il nostro doshu
Il Dojo di Pavia desidera ringraziarti per tutto quello che hai fatto, soprattutto per ciò che sei stato.
Senza di te il nostro Dojo non sarebbe esistito.
Senza la tua guida avremmo smarrito la strada mille volte.
È stato un grande privilegio conoscerti in questa vita.
Cercheremo, con umiltà, di percorrere la via che ci hai indicato.
Porteremo le tue parole e il tuo sorriso dentro di noi.
Per sempre.
Arrivederci caro Maestro.”
Carlo Raffaldi, Ki Aikido Pavia
Thank you so much for teaching me, sensei. On and off the tatami, in and out of the dojo’s.
Thank you for stepping in to my car and start a conversation.
Thank you for explaining the whole group about my mistakes and ignorances you noticed in a subtle, caring and loving way instead of reprimanding and making it personal.
Thank you for messing with my mind and beliefs so I could find new perspectives.
Thank you for tolerating my very impulsive bottle-of-red-wine-joke at 06.45h during a summer seminar some years ago (while picking up the bottle I said; ‘No sensei, it is way too early!’ And you gave me, after a surprised look, your characteristic smile).
I will continue spreading love and respect.
All the best during the period that is in front of us, Michael. I hope to meet you somewhere in the future.
With love and respect,
Jurjen Groen,
The Netherlands
Dear Doshu,
I met You for the first time 13 years ago in Zagreb at my first seminar. I remember the beautiful morning light on the tatami and Your shadow that you created together with that light in seiza..
I was a beginner and even now after 14 years I still feel that way. I hope that Your departure from this real world will not change that feeling for a long time. Thank You for enriching my view of the world, my life, for improving me as a person with your learning, because the only thing we can really do while we are here, in passing, is that we are trying to make ourselves a better person and therefore everything around us .. I said goodbye to my father last year, and now I feel like it’s happening again.
Until some future seminar, dear Doshu..
Sean Lisjak, Aikido dojo Pula, Croatia
Dear Sensei,
I will always remember our first meeting at Mihoko and Shin's home in Yamagata City, Japan. I will remember forever our walks in the garden in a small Belgian town filled with conversations. And finally, I will always remember our training sessions in your dojo.
Forever in my memory.
Krzysztof Trusz,
It had been some time since I spoke about my Martial Art grandmaster (Kenjiro Yoshigasaki Aikido Sensei). Just on this day (Fri 12 Feb) I received the news that Sensei had passed away this day. A great loss of a great inspirator and so much more.
We were talking about art and I mentioned that it took me years to get the full message of why art is important for life. The instructions of techniques was interspersed with inspiring philosophical teaching in seminars. Fascinating, but sometimes difficult to follow so thoughts sometimes wandered. ...." And that's why art is important for life". A bit frustrated with myself for wanting to know/learn that very thing and was drowsing and that this was not the first time I had only heard the phrase ".... and thats why art is important for life". Yet after a few years I succeeded to get the full message and after several attempts to explain this to my students I could also convey the message myself.
In my photography my photographs do not represent reality, but an abstraction of it. To my pictures I add some more beauty than the beauty I already photograph. By looking at these images, one is inspired to look at current reality differently. Dreaming, fantasising, overthinking how we can make life even more enjoyable by adding more beauty to reality. This is what makes us human. If we take reality as it is and do not try to improve it, we lose our humanity. Therefore, it is important to use our imagination to make the world even more beautiful. Art (making) contributes very well to this, "... and that's why art is important for life" ...
This is my tribute to Sensei.
Edwin Paree (NL)
Carissimo Maestro, da quando ti abbiamo conosciuto nella nostra vita c’è sempre stato un faro acceso che guidava il nostro cammino e anche da lontano.
Appena saputo della tua perdita si è fatto tutto buio e si è creato un vuoto dentro il cuore.
Ma no, non poteva essere così! Ed ecco che poco a poco, dove c’è stato il tuo passaggio, si sono accesi una miriade di fari a cui tu hai donato la scintilla, come grande Maestro, e grande Uomo.
Noi porteremo avanti i tuoi insegnamenti e cercherò di creare sempre più un mondo migliore dove ci sia rispetto, pace, amore.
Grazie Sensei
Cristina, Italy
Quando sono venuto la prima volta da solo ad un tuo seminario in Spagna, tu mi hai detto bravo hai avuto il coraggio di partire da solo e adesso come ti senti?
io ti ho risposto un pò disorientato.
tu mi hai risposto vuol dire che stai capendo come mantenere il punto, continua così questa è la giusta strada."
Questo è uno dei tantissimi ricordi che tu mi hai lasciato
Simone Dragonetti, Italy
Ür über 30 Jahre ist der Sensei mein Lehrmeister, direkt oder indirekt, gewesen, durch ihn bin ich wesentlich , also auch in meinem Wesen, gewachsen. Sein aikido und sein teaching haben mir so viel gegeben, haben enorm viel Entwicklung und Entfaltung ermöglicht.
Er hat meinen Weg gestaltet, auf Lehrgängen in Nürnberg, Erlangen, Herzogenhorn/Schwarzwald, Berlin, Spanien, Slowenien, Ungarn, Skandinavien…, so viele Stationen, so viel Horizonterweiterung in jeglichem Sinne.
Wenn ich ihn dolmetschen durfte auf abendlichen Vorträgen in Nürnberg war es mir eine besondere Ehre. Durch ihn lernte ich anders zu lernen, statt durch Worte zu lernen durch Sehen, Wahrnehmen und Abbilden von Bewegung .
An ihm sah ich immer wieder neu, was ich weiter entwickeln könnte an Fähigkeiten und Beweglichkeit. Hätte ich doch früher mit aikido begonnen…
Die von ihm mit genommene Prägung wird bis an mein Lebensende anhalten. Das gibt mir Mut und Zuversicht für meinen weiteren Weg. Ich bin zu tiefst dankbar für alles, was ich von ihm empfangen und erfahren habe.
His message of December was like: somebody is going home, back to furusato, his hometown,
now definitively the body has gone home, “returned to forever”, like Chick Corea a few days before him, but the Sensei’s spirit remains, and even forever, when we keep on practicing with love and respect, also for those that learn slower than others…
Horst Kollan
Lauf/Nürnberg, Berlin
So many memories!
I had the honor and the pleasure to host Sensei during many seminars in Berlin.
The first time, many years ago, I felt a little bit intimidated because I was afraid to make mistakes or to say stupid things – for me, he was a person of great respect and I feared his judgement. So I was very happy that Marie Rose came with him. They both made it very easy and uncomplicated and in the following years, I always enjoyed very much their company. The fear was gone, my respect and love increased.
Sensei had this capacity to adapt harmoniously to our environment and family and at the same time creating conditions to feel comfortable. I learned so much from him! Sadness and at the same time gratitude for all! My heart is with Marie Rose and family, I thank her for her message and for the invitation!
I will be there Wednesday at 11.30
Sigrid Buck
In the silence of a summer evening in the garden of my house with a small glass of my limoncello I understood the meaning of "Doshu" Guardian of The Way.
As a Dad holds his little son by the hand pointing the way, sooner or later that hand will be left, but this does not mean abandonment but to continue to "keep" that way with a different maai ... for now they are only words of a great teacher, the hope is that the pain will change and help me to understand that deep meaning ... One last prayer ... call Beppe as you knew how to do ... Thanks Sensei
Andrea Marcione
Nel silenzio di una sera d'estate nel giardino di casa mia con un bicchierino del mio limoncello ho capito il significato di "Doshu" guardiano della strada.
Come un papà tiene per mano il figlioletto indicandogli la via, prima o poi quella mano verrà lasciata, ma questo non vuol dire abbandono ma continuare a "tenere" così con un maai diverso ... per ora sono solo parole di un grande maestro, la speranza è che il dolore cambi e mi aiuti a capire quel profondo significato ... Un'ultima preghiera ... chiama Beppe come sapevi fare tu ... Grazie Sensei
Andrea Marcione

“Every individual’s actions are determined by the way he or she perceives the world”
– Yoshigasaki Sensei 1951-2021.
My heart goes out to everyone who is feeling sadness and loss today.
I would like to take some time to express my extreme gratitude for everything Sensei has taught me both directly and via the senior instructors he has influenced. To name a few:
Resilience – To get back up every time you hit the floor and learn to fall in a positive way.
Be open minded and tolerant – He opened my eyes to the fact that there are many ways to live and view things along with the beauty of discovering these.
Spend time strengthening your mind – This can achieve extraordinary things when connected with your body but is also a way you can continue to train yourself even when your body weakens.
Keep learning – As much as we would like it to at times, life does not stand still. By having the intention to keep improving, it will help keep you moving forward and on the right path.
It saddens me I cannot say this directly to Sensei however I will continue to carry and share his lessons to the best of my ability.
Linda Gale, British Ki Society
I concur with the sentiments expressed so eloquently by fellow-student, Linda Gale.
Doshu was such a positive influence and great inspiration to my late husband, Sensei Rob Hughes, and me. We practised the philosophy of aikido daily, especially when circumstances prevented us from practising in the dojo.
We had such wonderful memories of times spent with Doshu, both in- and outside the dojo (in the UK and in Belgium) and these will remain in my heart always.
My thoughts are with Marie Rose at this sad time and I will keep vigil on Wednesday.
Diolch, Doshu, Sensei arbennig. I fod eich disgybl chi oedd yn profiad anhygoel.
Claire Hughes, British Ki Society member
Eco di emozioni che risuonano
come campane dal timbro profondo
Pochi momenti di incontro
hanno creato cerchi in superficie che sono scesi a toccare l’animo dando senso e direzione alla vita. Non è mancare il problema ma mantenere ciò che si è percepito, così cercherò l’eco per trovare nuove vie per proseguire e vivere qui e ora.
Grazie Sensei R.I.P. 🙏🙏🙏
Ki Aikido Mogliano Veneto - Inaka Dojo
Für Yoshigasaki sensei!
Mit großer Anteilnahme und Trauer nehmen wir den Tod unseres Lehrers auf!
Wir kondolieren seiner Familie und besonders Marie Rose.
Über 30 Jahre hat er mich begleitet, mit immer neuen Ideen und Sichtweisen, die das Ki-Aikido lebendig und spannend machen.
Wir hoffen, dass wir auch ohne seine Unterstützung und seine Anregungen,
unser Verständnis des Aikidos in seinem Sinne weiter vertiefen werden.
Klaus Herzog und die Aikido-Gruppe Hamburg-Bergedorf
Dear Yoshigasaki sensei,
Your aikido changed my life. When I thought that everything is set out for me in life, and that I have no choice, I started practicing aikido. I soon learned that being stuck is unnatural situation to be in, and that it is a quality of life to always strive for equilibrium and movement. By learning techniques and by rolling on the floor I learned to envision possibilities, options and choices everywhere around me. That is how I was able to move on and find my place in the world.
What is striking is that I was never into sports, and practising some kind of serious 'martial art' where practitioners compete with each other would be too discouraging for me. Because you decided to develop your aikido in a way that is connected with nature and focused on developing human potential and imagination, I was able to pick it up and apply it practically. Your aikido works and it is a great benefit for humanity.
Your student,
Questa notizia mi ha sconvolto.
Mi sono tornati in mente i tanti stage , i tanti momenti, i suoi insegnamenti che la sera trascrivevo in quaderno per non dimenticare . Un maestro che mi ha segnato nella pratica e nella vita. Grazie mille Yoshigasaki Sensei
Patrizio Bronzi
La cosa più bella in questo triste giorno è leggere i tanti pensieri di maestri e allievi che ricordano con gioia il suo insegnamento. In tutte le lettere è evidente un profondo sentimento di Amore, proprio quello che lui ci ha trasmesso in tutti questi anni e che ora noi dovremo continuare a trasmettere nella nostra vita per il bene della nostra anima e di quella degli altri.
Sincere condoglianze a Marie Rose.
Marco Amoroso - Firenze
Er ist weg gegangen, wie ein großer Samurai, ohne zu jammern, aber mit Ruhe und Liebe in den Augen.
Er wird ein fabelhaftes Beispiel für alle seine Schüler - Tausende - bleiben.
Und er macht jetzt das Gleiche in höheren Sphären.
Danke, Sensei
Gehen, kein Problem
Mit Lächeln, Ruhe, Liebe
Großer Samurai
Yves Opizzo
For more than forty years Sensei has been part of my way. He helped me shape and develop my imagination of the world - inside and outside of my body as well. I enjoyed the discussions about god and the world. With his for me unusual way of expressing things he showed me that the world is much more than just the objective world. Again and again his teachings of harmony and peace gave me impulses to further my understanding.
His guidance was invaluable and will continue to be part of my way.
Thank you Sensei
Helmut Schweinzer
Mi hai insegnato moltissime cose, sei stato un faro, un secondo padre
Una volta mi dicesti: “Non innamorarti di me, potresti soffrire quando non ci sarò più.”
Ma io purtroppo questo insegnamento non sono riuscito a farlo mio.
Grazie Sensei per tutto
Roberto Dalla Valle (Toffy)
You taught me so many things, you were a lighthouse, a second father
You once told me: "Don't fall in love with me, you may suffer when I'm gone."
But unfortunately I have not been able to make this teaching mine.
Thanks Sensei for everything
Roberto Dalla Valle (Toffy)
Non ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere bene Doshu, ma sono riuscito
ugualmente a capire un po di lui e del suo modo di essere. Vorrei
ricordarlo con le sue stesse parole, tratte dal suo libro Aikido arte
di vita.
" Ho viaggiato in molti differenti posti nel mondo fin dall'infanzia e
ho imparato molte differenti discipline da diversi insegnanti di varie
nazionalità. Non ricordo e non conosco i nomi di molti di loro. Più
tardi ho compreso che in realtà si impara dal modo intero in cui si
vive. Voglio ringraziare il mondo intero per ciò che ho imparato in
questa vita."
Da questa frase comprendo bene e senza possibilità di errore il senso
del suo invito ad seguire la sua Via "Amando e Rispettando".
Vittorio Fiorani - Praticante del Ki Aikido Palermo
En estos momentos de gran dolor me siento identificado con el sentimiento que han expresado todas la personas que le conocieron.
Primero de todo, queremos dirigir unas palabras a su esposa, Marie Rose, con quien mi mujer y yo estuvimos compartiendo mesa, comiendo y cenando en Dinamarca y Palermo.
Nuestro más sincero cariño y afecto para ella en estos tiempos difíciles.
Nos sentimos acompañados por todas las personas que le conocieron durante estos años de práctica en diferentes ciudades de Europa.
Creamos relaciones en su presencia durante los cursos, donde mientras trazaba dibujos en una pizarra para explicar las técnicas, nosotros hacíamos nuevos amigos, y echábamos de menos a los que ya no estaban.
En esos cursos, mientras Yoshigasaki nos contaba anécdotas de historia, una red invisible de relaciones se fueron forjando a fuego lento entre todos los que asistimos, sin saber que iba a continuar, incluso después de su muerte.
Quisiera recordar, en un momento tan triste, las risas, mezcladas con sudor, durante las largas horas de entrenamiento en los seminarios.
Quizás no aprendimos lo suficiente Sensei, pero nos reímos mucho juntos, jugamos como niños y disfrutamos de la vida contigo. Quiero mantener en mi recuerdo esa imagen.
El tiempo es lo más valioso en la vida, el tiempo que dedicamos a las personas que queremos, disfrutando de las pequeñas cosas y de las grandes personas.
Ahora debemos seguir nuestro camino, un camino del amor y del respeto, fortaleciendo las relaciones existentes entre nosotros, y creando otras nuevas.
Es la cuarta regla del Aikido en la vida real que no enseñaste, seguir el camino, seguir con tu vida, lo haremos Sensei, con tu recuerdo en nuestro corazón.
Gema y Carlos, España
In these moments of great pain I feel identified in the feeling that express all the people who knew him.
First of all, I wanted to address my words to his wife, Marie Rose, with whom my wife and I were able to share a table eating and dining in Denmark and Palermo.
Our most sincere love and affection for her in these difficult times.
I feel accompanied by all the people who met him during these years of practice in different cities throughout Europe.
Bonds created in their presence in the courses, where among drawings on the blackboard we made new friends and other old ones abandoned us.
In those courses, while Yoshigasaki told us anecdotes of history, a network of relationships was woven between us that would unite us
forever without knowing it, even after his death.
And above all I want to remember, in these sad moments, the laughter, mixed with sweat, during the long hours of training in the seminars.
Maybe we didn't learn enough Sensei, but we laugh together, play like children and enjoy life with you. I want to stay with that image.
Time is the most valuable thing in the world, the time spent with our loved ones, enjoying the little things, and the great people.
Now we have to follow the path of love and respect, strengthening the existing relationships between us and creating new ones.
It is the fourth rule of Aikido in real life that you taught us, follow the path, we will make it Sensei, with you in our hearts.
Gema & Carlos, Spain
A great teacher has left us.
I knew him for 35 years. The first time we visit him in his Dojo in Brussels.
He was the first teacher who taught us in Ki.
His Aikido was and always was phenomenal.
Many time I was uke with Sensei and I have to ask afterwards wat has happened.
He was so fast and so light. A true artist.
A very genuine teacher.
He took by the hand and lead us on the path of Aikido, he let us made mistakes.
And he explained it over and over again.
We had so many beautiful times in our Dojo in Waalwijk, but in many Dojo’s.
He brought us together.
And how special it was in Furusato. We will never forget.
We will never forget his teachings.
Thank you very much.
Rest in peace dear Sensei.
Our condolences also go Mary-Rose and family.
Wishing you a lot of strength with this terrible loss.
Koos de Graaf
Ki Aikido Waalwijk
In proud and loving memory
On behalf of the Europe Ki Federation I would like to convey our condolences to all students, friends and family.
The first time my dad and I met Yoshigasaki sensei, I was about 11 years old. I was really proud to just be able to be and train with such a great teacher.
During my formative years his teachings and example played a major role in how I would see life and deal with the different situations I was faced with in my young adult life.
Training with a teacher that allowed you to develop in your own way was always fun and inspiring, resulting in a highlight, recording All of Aikido.
Unfortunately shortly after the recordings life presented different paths and so we went our own ways, taking what he taught with us on our journey. I believe everyone who ever met sensei is still proud and grateful to have been able to be or to train with such a great teacher who touched so many people’s lives and in doing so is still around…..
Toby Voogels
Europe Ki Federation
Dear Sensei
Around 1980 we met for the first time in Berlin: A quite simple minded young woman from the German Alps and a sophisticated Japanese Ki- and Aikido teacher.
I had the honour to spend quite a lot of time with you. To me these times always have been very inspiring and challenging.
Thank you for teaching us the beautiful Aikido movements and for continuously improving them. Sometimes it was hard to keep up with all the changes.
I learned from you about perception, communication without words and the beauty of silence. How wonderful.
And you opened my eyes for Beauty and Art.
Yes, our ways separated several years ago. . . . . but on Wednesday I’ll will be there and share my grief with Marie-Rose, your family and your students. We all will send our gratitude and love to you.
I wish you a peaceful journey in the other world, hopefully no longer as an inner stranger
You continue to live within my heart.
With love and respect
sincerely yours
Dagmar van der Velde
We wish to thank Yoshigasaki-sensei for these many years of ki and aikido practice, and express our condolences to his family during this sad time.
Esa Lilja (Ki-Aikido Shizentai Dojo, Helsinki, Finland / Ki-Aikido Karasukai, Stavanger, Norway)
Rainer Varis (Finnish Ki-Aikido Society SKAY, Vantaa, Finland)
I have been practicing in Ki No Kenkyukai for more than 23 years. He always helped. With seminars, with communicating with other people, with difficult money situations. It was enough just to ask. My first impression when I came to Kobenhavn to participate in the seminar and I saw him for the first time eyes to eyes was "there is no conflict". It was like I was met with an open heart. And it was like that all the time. He said: "I hope you are not afraid to ask?"
When we were in Furusato last time 3 years ago as Uchideshi with others, we were working in groups together, performing different tasks. He said: "I can not live forever. When I die, you should be cooperating together this way"...
Evgeny Danilov,
Ki No Kenkyukai Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
I will always remember
Your beautiful movements
Your beautiful logic
Your beautiful smile
Lennart Gullberg,
Många av oss fick en chock i går. De som inte nåddes av budskapet då, kommer att få det idag. Vår lärare och inspiration genom många år, Yoshigasaki-sensei, har oväntat gått bort efter en kort tids sjukdom och som ingen av oss kände till.
Yoshigasaki-sensei kom till Sverige för första gången för mer än trettio år sedan. En del av oss har följt honom sedan dess. Andra är nytillkomna.
Oavsett hur länge du tränat för honom bjöd varje läger på en ny infallsvinkel. I den aikido Yoshigasaki-sensei förmedlade var teknikerna aldrig det viktiga. De tränades för att vi skulle fördjupa vår förståelse av aikidons insida. I Yoshigasaki-senseis närvaro var vi alla nybörjare oavsett hur många år vi tränat. Rutin vara snarare ett hinder än en tillgång för det öppna sinne som sensei förväntade av oss.
Nu är det upp till oss att förvalta arvet efter sensei. Det kan vi göra genom att - på egen hand och tillsammans - fortsätta upptäckandet av principer och förhållningssätt som har sin tillämpning på mattan och lika mycket utanför. Sensei sökte hela tiden nya sätt att förklara sina insikter. Till slut sammanfattade han dem i två ord - respekt och kärlek.
Jan Eriksson og Jan Grönholm, Sweden
Thank you for being.
Since I first met you, almost 30 years ago, you have always been important to me.
Exactly how important, I only understand now that you are gone.
Grief is proportionate to love - and my grief now is almost like having lost a parent.
You were the most sharply polished diamond I’ve ever met.
You wanted to make this world a better place, a very difficult task - to put it mildly.
But to me and many others, you surely contributed in making our worlds better.
Now your physical presence is forever gone, but parts of you live on in all of us you touched.
Like the Buddha taught: Never is the result of a good deed destroyed.
Your last words to me were “Do you want to make technique or make love?”
- and that is a very serious question I, and most of humanity really need to contemplate.
Deepest condolences and much love to Marie Rose, family and everyone else close to you in these difficult times.
Since time began
the dead alone know peace ce.
Life is but melting snow.
- Nandai
Humbly and gratefully,
Fredrik Haglund
Dear Yoshigasaki Sensei,
Thank for everything you gave us.
1982 did you arrive to our small Dojo in Sweden and changed our lives forever.
You always found new ways to make us understand. Never tiring, always curios and often with a new perspective. Since then your thoughts and ideas has been with us every day.
Remember once when you asked us to show you a Taigi. We did our best and when we where done you responded, smiling, with warmth: “ Very good but completely wrong!”
Of course you where right, and with great patience you made us understand why.
We send our warmest condolences to Mary-Rose and your family.
Sensei - we miss you
Pontus and Suzanne Pedersén
Dear Sensei,
Just a young boy, I first attended an aikido seminar with you in the late 1980s. In the past few years, I have not been a very good student, but the constitutive impact of aikido on my life remains profound.
Your teachings have very much shaped what I think and how I think. I naively believed that you would still be around once I return to more active aikido practice, and that translates into yet another fundamental lesson about life.
Thank you, Sensei!
With much gratitude,
Linus Hagström
Dear family of Doshu
We whom been students of the Doshu for decades, following and training after his teachings in central part of Sweden, want to express our greatest appreciation and condolences.
Sending varm thoughts.
Sala. Västerås and Enköping Ki-Aikido
My Heart is heavy, as it is for many.
Doshu has passed on.
I bow
in gratitude and deep love
for your teaching of philosophy and, through Aikido, teaching how to act within this philosophy
for your way to challenge us to change our patterns
for your attitude, humanity and humor
for your trust
for your guidance, even beyond your death,
to follow the way of love and respect.
Thank you, Sensei
may you walk in light and beauty wherever you go
Heike Howein
It is with great pain and sorrow that we learned about the passing of Doshu Yoshigasaki.
To his wife Marie-Rose, we want to express our love and support in such a difficult moment.
The opportunity to be His students for more than forty years and to follow His Way together with our Sensei Beppe has been an honor and a privilege.
His teaching and complete dedication was and will be for us inspiration, guide, example and motivation for all our life.
It's with sincere gratitude and deep respect that we bid Him our last farewell.
Thank you Sensei.
The Ki Dojo group Firenze
Mit grossem Schmerz erfuhren wir vom Ableben unseres Doshu Yoshigasaki.
An seine Frau Marie-Rose möchten wir in diesem schwierigen Moment, unsere Nähe und Zuneigung ausdrücken.
Die Möglichkeit für über vierzig Jahre seine Schüler gewesen zu sein und seinem Weg, zusammen mit unserem Sensei Beppe, zu folgen, war eine Ehre und ein Privileg.
Seine Lehre und absolute Hingabe sind und werden uns ein Leben lang Leitfaden, Beispiel, Inspiration und Ansporn sein.
Mit aufrichtiger Dankbarkeit und tiefem Respekt, sagen wir ein letztes Mal Lebewohl.
Danke Sensei.
Ki Dojo Florenz
Apprendiamo con profondo dolore della dipartita del Doshu Yoshigasaki.
A sua moglie Marie-Rose, desideriamo esprimere la nostra vicinanza ed affetto in un momento così difficile.
L'opportunità di essere stati suoi allievi
per oltre quarant'anni e di seguire la sua
Via insieme al nostro Maestro Beppe, è stato un onore ed un privilegio.
Il suo insegnamento e totale dedizione ci sono stati e saranno guida, esempio, ispirazione e stimolo per tutta la vita.
È con sincera gratitudine e profondo rispetto che porgiamo a Lui il nostro ultimo saluto.
Grazie Sensei.
Il Gruppo Ki Dojo Firenze
La notizia della scomparsa del Sensei Yoshigasaki ci ha sorpresi e rattristati. A lui va tutta la nostra gratitudine e riconoscenza per quello che ci ha dato in questi anni. Il nostro pensiero va a Marie Rose è a tutti quelli che, come noi, stanno vivendo questa perdita.
Ricorderemo per sempre i suoi insegnamenti.
Gruppo Ki-Aikido Budokan
The news that Sensei Yoshigasaki has passed away surprised and made us very sad. To him goes all our gratitude and thankfulness for what he has given us over the years. Our thoughts go to Marie Rose and to all those who, like us, are experiencing this loss.
We will always remember his teachings.
Ki-Aikido Budokan Group
A good person and a great artist have left, the best I have ever known. It leaves us with a re-focused approach to Aikido, reflections, images ... that will accompany us throughout our lives. Let us honor his memory by treating each other with love and respect. Eternal gratitude for all that you have given us.
To Marie Rose: We have a phrase "Behind every great man, there is a great woman". The most sincere acknowledgment of her support for her husband's work. Thank you very much.
Lola, Spain
35 years I attended your Aikido lessons
thank you for your patience in teaching me over and over the same things I’d love to learn but couldn’t apprehend.
The last ten years you stayed with us a few times It was nice to host you and feel connected. I consider it a privilege to have known you.
Thanks for your teaching and thanks for your being.
Pim van Dun, Zegveld, the Netherlands
For me, Sensei really doesn’t died. His 氣 has just changed "form" and he will always be with us in a "form" of good energy and love..
Za mene Sensei stvarno nije umro. Njegov je 氣 upravo promijenio "oblik" i uvijek će biti s nama u "obliku" dobre energije i ljubavi.
Kresimir Horvat
Fare well my friend!
Bernd Zaunseder
Dear Sensei thank you for everything and rest in peace.
Elvis Zalovic
Dear Sensei, by selflessly sharing your huge knowledge and constantly improving it, you left your footprints for eternity. Thank you for every glimmer of knowledge you have illuminated us with.
M., Croatia
Dear Sensei,
It's been a honour and pleasure for us to be Your students for so many years.
We have learned a lot but still not enough ...
Taking part in Your seminars was always a great event for us and special days spent with You and other friends.
The most important for us was meeting You and listening to Your theories of life.
We will miss You a lot,
Ki Aikido Dojo Lodz (Poland)
Ci mancheranno i tuoi pisolini a tavola
tanto quanto i tuoi insegnamenti.
Ciao Sensei, e grazie.
Davide, Maurizio, le allieve e gli allievi di Bologna
Thank you very much!
Davide Rizzi
Dear Sensei,
when we were together at the seminars you were a teacher and a friend as a father. Now I know that you have always been a guiding star who shows the way through life.
The path of love and respect.
Thank you Sensei
Your student Petar
Aikido dojo Zagreb
Aikido in real life
1. create form in harmony with uke
2. change form of uke without changing his position
3. change his position without changing his form
4. continue to live ( Human )
Arezzo Centro KI Aikido
Goodbye Sensei,
You are gone.
I'm left with questions.
I think back to your lessons,
lessons that I do not immediately understand.
Answers that gradually form through training.
Questions that still remain unanswered because I have to continue training, sit longer in silence.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your teachings.
Your influence will keep buzzing in me
forever lasting....
Marco van Batenburg
Ki Aikido Centrum / Ki Aikido Utrecht
The Netherlands
Sensei war für mich nicht nur der große Meister und Lehrer,
sondern auch ein Freund in meinem Herzen. Sein Lachen
wird immer mit großer Dankbarkeit in meinem Herzen sein.
Ich bin sehr traurig über seinen viel zu frühen Tod.
Jürgen Rieger
My thoughts are full of gratitude.
Happy having You on my mind and touching my heart
since first time meeting You and getting inspired
in many ways.
Thank You very much for generously teaching and guiding this way!
Have a good, save and blessed journey on
My condolences go to Mary-Rose and family
Christian Veith
Dear Sensei,
we are so grateful that we could learn from you.
In the seminars, your presence was always like absorbing the purest energy. It hurts our hearts so much that this farewell came at such short notice and also at a time when contacts had to be reduced to a minimum. We will continue your teaching and try to follow your path of love and respect.
Thank you for everything, your students from the Dojo Hechingen.
Caro Maestro, ci mancherai, con il tuo sorriso sincero e i tuoi insegnamenti, le tue giocate con i bambini che facevano trasparire il tuo Amore per la vita... Voglio ringraziare Mary Rose che per noi si è messa un po' da parte per donarci l'immensa persona... Le nostre condoglianze.
Riccardo Luppi e Famiglia
I would like to say how sad i am to hear of the death of yoshigasaki sensei. i was one of his students at the brighton dojo so had the privilege of getting to know him quite well on his visits to uk. he made a huge impression on my life with all aspects of his being and teaching. it's so in keeping with him that nobody knew he was ill.
my condolences to marie rose and his many students.
with sadness,
mike stoakes
We were fortunate to share two very intense years with him in Brussels traveling from seminary to seminary.
It was an unforgettable experience, a dream come true. We have very good memories with him.
We carry his teachings with us forever.
Thanks Sensei. Rest in peace.
Pedro Arias & Carla Andrés
Sensei, you passed away
Now we who are left behind
Stare into the void that you once filled
But then we remember your teachings
Your love and respect for all of us
Together we will fill the void
And you live on in our minds
Thank you for everything
Our condolences to Marie-Rose and the family
Eduardo, Sven and the members of
AikidoDojo Essen
We are so privileged to have received Aikido teaching and inspiration for “life way” from Sensei - may his wisdom, love and respect keep living within and among us…….Thank you from the heart
Pipaluk Lake, Copenhagen
Tears in my eyes
I bow
Poul Hauerbach
Ki Aikido Odsherred
Il 12 febbraio alle due della notte è morto
il Maestro Yoshigasaki
Con il suo insegnamento abbiamo capito la vera essenza dell’Aikido. Praticate sempre con amore e nel rispetto delle persone, solo così si può percorrere via dell’armonia.
Arrivato a Bruxelles negli anni 70 ha iniziato il suo insegnamento principalmente in Italia e poi nel resto di Europa.
Dobbiamo continuare a praticare tutto quello che ha insegnato nel rispetto di una persona che ha dedicato una vita a questa meravigliosa arte.
Sono stato insieme a lui per oltre 40 anni e per me non è stato solo il mio Maestro, ma anche un grande amico. Ci vorrà del tempo per colmare questo vuoto.
Voglio ricordarlo così
Mario Peloni
A child walks in the night
In the dark, the horse is waiting for him
The trip will be unbelievable
A big and beautiful cavern
"I will come back," he said.
But his sister knew better
As the wise men predicted
The child had changed his name
And the past is there in front of
As the road is drawn
And the horizon and the wind
Singing in the heart of the child
The animal's eye in its eye
There will be no closure
From his home, he mourns
He's throwing himself into the adventure!
It crosses the Oceans
He flies to the mountains
And up there, facing a giant
And will you believe it, he wins
It's a man who comes down
Towards the setting sun
Long hair, shiny eyes
Full of tongues in the mouth
He now speaks he who
Keep silent to listen better
The song of the world and its ki
His words live on, no doubt about it.
He dances motionless on the straw
Rice and others too
Start dancing in a mess
And it laughs, and they make as if
As if they were embracing the world
By throwing themselves into the fight
He, secret, looks and probes
These children reaching out
Today they are silent
But they are there with him
At this precious moment
Where everything is dark and yet bright
Without knowing it, they wave
They bend down, they breathe
Without knowing it, very very worthy
They silently tell him their love
Alain De Halleux
Un enfant marche dans la nuit
Dans le noir, l'attend le cheval
Le voyage sera inouï
Une grande et belle cavale
"Je reviendrai", avait-il dit
Mais sa soeur savait bien que non
Comme les sages l'avaient prédit
L'enfant avait changé de nom
Et le passé est là devant
Tel que le dessine la route
Et l'horizon et le vent
Chantent dans le coeur de l'enfant
L'oeil de l'animal dans son oeil
Il n'y aura pas de clôture
De sa maison, il fait le deuil
Il se jette dans l'aventure!
Il traverse les Océans
Il vole vers les montagnes
Et là haut, affronte un géant
Et le croirez-vous, il gagne
C'est un homme qui redescend
Vers le soleil qui se couche
Les cheveux longs, les yeux brillants
Plein de langues dans la bouche
Il parle maintenant lui qui
Se taisait pour mieux écouter
Le chant du monde et son ki
Ses mots vivent, à n'en pas douter
Il danse immobile sur la paille
De riz et les autres aussi
Se mettent à danser en pagaille
Et ça rit, et ça fait comme si
Comme s'ils embrassaient le monde
En se jetant dans le combat
Lui, secret, regarde et sonde
Ces enfants qui tendent les bras
Aujourd'hui, ils sont silencieux
Mais ils sont bien là, avec lui
En ce moment précieux
Où tout est sombre et pourtant luit
Sans le savoir, ils font signe
Ils se penchent, ils respirent
Sans le savoir, très très dignes
Ils lui disent en silence leur amour
Alain De Halleux
Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei shaped the development of Aikido on so many levels.
His human presence, philosophical insight and genuine way of teaching inspired a whole generation of Aikidoka, to understand Aikido not only as a martial art, but as a comprehensive way of life in order to deepen the understanding of oneself and the world.
Since Yoshigasaki Sensei moved on in his journey, his mind will live on in the minds and hearts of the many human beings who will continue his essential message of love and respect.
With deep gratitude and appreciation,
Markus Hänsel, Dojo Rhein-Neckar
Dear Sensei.
You have been in my life for the last 22 years.
Teaching love and respect in the very deepest meaning of being.
At my first Ki examination I expected a tough and difficult test. As I had seen from the outside.
Though extremely precise, I realised just how caring and generous you where, when I felt your pure intention of helping me to grow.
I grew again later by being your Uke during classes, experiencing the great power and immense precision of your art.
And most important, how you communicated through your body, transforming and healing the shape of me.
The shape of my life has been enriched over and over by your teachings about relations and philosophy.
How to understand and perceive that, which is not visible, not measurable, but is there.
How to develop imagination.
How to act.
You were a genius and a true artist.
Tomorrow, I imagine my life will find a new untold form.
Today, I just feel an unbearable sadness, that I shall not be with you again.
Anders Nejsum,
"Thank you, Sensei, for guiding us all these years.
For setting us on this beautiful inner journey.
For always pointing to the center of things.
For being honest and straightforward when illusions were meant to be broken.
For reminding us of our true purpose.
For teaching us how to change the world - by changing ourselves first.
In our hearts you didn't change position, you only changed form. "
Aikido Society Zagreb
Nous avons rencontré Doshu Yoshigasaki en 1978 à Thonon les Bains lors d’un séminaire donné par Maitre Toheï. Nous avons depuis suivi son enseignement. Au cours de ces nombreuses années nous avons énormément aimé son charisme, sa vision du monde et de la vie, sa bonté. C’était une belle personne qui malgré sa grande érudition savait rester simple et abordable. Il nous a donné le meilleur enseignement d'Aïkido et nous a fait partager sa vision de la vie.
Nous sommes de tout cœur avec Marie-Rose dans ce moment de tristesse, nous partageons sa peine.
Senseï, reposez en paix.
Paul, Gaby, Fabien, Thierry, Alain, Annie
Ainsi que tous les membres des dojos de Marseille et du Plan d’Aups
hommage à Sensei
Ciao Sensei, un Maestro, un Amico...
sono trascorsi 50 anni da quando ci siamo incontrati ma sembra ieri, eravamo giovani con tanti sogni nella mente e nel cuore, passo dopo passo insieme molti di questi sogni siamo riusciti a realizzarli, tu nella tua conoscenza e capacità mi hai preso per mano indicandomi la via che oggi devo continuare a percorrere senza di te, tu mi hai lasciato...il dolore che provo è immenso, ma saprò superarlo seguendo i tuoi insegnamenti.
Maestro ora sei sereno, sei con i grandi dell'Aikido, chiedo solo il tuo aiuto spirituale e tutto il tuo KI.......arrivederci Maestro.🙏
Bruno Maule
What a strong life!
fallen far too soon on the path of time
what remains
All the beauty, joy and inspiration from 35 years of life shared
..and deep sorrow..
All the best for the journey on which we can no longer accompany you
Ingo Jettmar, Heidelberg
Your warmth and fearlessness to be who you are have touched me deeply.
You showed the path of peace and harmony, of being true to oneself and others, softly and directly.
I am grateful to have met you and for the shared moments of connection.
Thank you for having lived as a true human being, sharing and giving your wisdom, love and respect continuously.
Kirsten van Well, February 15, 2021
I bow in gratitude. thank you, Sensei
Ulla Michel (Berlin)
So now, you are everywhere
Here and there
All your lines
Many signs
Robert Božac and Dojo Pula
I have always felt the privilege of the fact that many times I have been so lucky to be your uke during your seminars.
Thanks again for all your teachings, I'll try not to forget them.
Our journey continues, but it will never be the same without you.
Paolo Rollino, Dojo Ronin Ki-Aikido Novara, Italy.
How often did I say
bye-bye sensei
to say this for the very last time
tears a hole in my soul
bye-bye sensei
Roland Klimpel (Berlin)
It was a long journey with Doshu Yoshigasaki Sensei, for me over 38 years, that leaves traces that have now become even clearer to me. A fantastic teacher left us.
What I liked most were his unique points of view. He asked questions that seemed easy but difficult to answer.
His aikido was just beautiful to look at. I once asked him why he used to choose Tohei Sensei and he replied that he liked his Aikido style. I can also say the same for our Sensei, he was able to realize a loving and respectful style in Aikido.
It's been really a long journey and through that time he brought us all together, verily, it's a great gift.
Many thanks for everything.
Rest in peace, dear sensei.
My condolences also go to Mary-Rose and family.
Volker Sawatzki
Ki and Aikido Dojo Cologne / Germany
Lieber Sensei,
ich folgte Deinem Licht lange Zeit.
Danke für die wohlwollende Lehre und die gemeinsame Zeit.
So verbeuge ich mich ein letztes Mal.
In treuer Verbundenheit
Peter Höring
Dear Sensei,
I follow your light for a long time.
Thank you for good-willing teaching and common time.
So I bow a least time.
Loyally connected
Peter Höring
Dear sensei,
we will try to live our daily life "with love and respect". Thank you for the exciting times in Nürnberg, Erlangen and especially on Herzogenhorn.
Margit Heidler and Günter Bösader, Kiundaikido Dojo Nürnberg
It was a great gift to be able to walk along the path.
It was a great gift to receive the rich nourishment for body mind and soul.
It will continue to nourish me on the path of love, deeper and deeper inward.
Thank you Sensei for everything.
In spirit you will always there
I wish you a beautiful journey into the light
With Love Marlies.
From Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Adéu, sensei, fins a la fi ens has ensenyat amb l'última lliçó del trànsit a l'altra part de la llacuna.
La teua saviesa incommensurable ens il·luminarà al camí que encara ens queda per recórrer, humilment: gràcies, sensei.
Addio, sensei, fino alla fine ci hai insegnato con l'ultima lezione di traffico dall'altra parte della laguna.
La tua incommensurabile saggezza ci illumenarà sul sentiero che dobbiamo ancora percorrere, umilmente: grazie, sensei.
Adiós, sensei, hasta el final nos has enseñado con la última lección del tránsito a la otra parte de la laguna.
Tu sabiduría inconmensurable nos iluminará el camino que aún nos queda por recorrer, humildemente: gracias, sensei.
Farewell, sensei, just until the end for you have taught us with the last lesson, the one of de transit to the other side of the lake.
Your immeasurable wisdom will enlighten the path we still have to go through, humbly, thanks, sensei.
Josep Manuel Ramon
Ki no Kenkyukai València
Le 12 février 2021, le grand-maître d’Aïkido Yoshigasaki Senseï, notre Doshu, a quitté son corps pour la dernière fois, chez lui, en Belgique, entouré de sa famille.
Sa famille, en fait, est gigantesque. Elle compte des milliers de membres répartis dans le monde entier, en Europe principalement, mais aussi en Amérique du Sud, en Afrique, en Asie.
Son départ prématuré et subit laisse certes une immense détresse chez ses élèves, un sentiment de perte bien difficile à juguler. Mais ce sentiment, en vérité, provient de quelque chose de très profond, à savoir tout ce que Senseï nous a apporté. Il faudra des décennies pour distiller tout le bien que cet homme d’exception a distribué sans relâche. J’ai eu la joie de traduire en français certains de ses ouvrages, qu’il écrivait en anglais, bien qu’il parlât fort bien le français. Je voudrais écrire ici « bien qu’il parle bien le français », parce que je sais bien qu’il vit maintenant dans une sphère bien supérieure à la nôtre, mais qui ne nous est pourtant pas inaccessible.
Ainsi donc : Merci Senseï ; nous nous reverrons un jour.
Yves Opizzo
On February 12, 2021, Aikido's Grandmaster Yoshigasaki Sensei, our Doshu, left his body for the last time, at his home in Belgium, surrounded by his family.
His family, in fact, is huge. It has thousands of members all over the world, mainly in Europe, but also in South America, Africa and Asia.
His premature and sudden departure certainly leaves a huge distress among his students, a feeling of loss very difficult to control. But this feeling, in truth, comes from something very profound, namely all that Sensei has brought us. It will take decades to distill all the good that this exceptional man has distributed relentlessly. I had the joy of translating into French some of his works, which he wrote in English, although he spoke French very well. I would like to write here "although he speaks good French", because I know that he now lives in a sphere far superior to ours, but which is not inaccessible to us.
So then: Thank you Sensei; we'll see each other again one day.
Yves Opizzo
Si no recuerdo mal, conocimos al sensei Yoshigasaki en el año 1993 cuando llegó por primera vez a la Argentina, a la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Yo había comenzado a practicar aikido un año antes y quedé sorprendido por la cantidad de variantes y perspectivas que se abrían en todas direcciones. Y, de lo que pude entender en ese momento, me resultó muy interesante la interpretación del ki como “percepción no clara”. Como me dedico a la enseñanza de la filosofía, encontré en esa interpretación un camino interesante para seguir. Luego, en el momento del almuerzo, me acerqué a él para preguntarle si esa interpretación del ki tenía o no relación con algunos de los temas abordados por la filosofía occidental. Y me respondió con una de sus típicas salidas: una mueca de desinterés que me hizo sentir incómodo. Sin embargo, minutos después, se me acercó y dijo algo respecto de la filosofía: mencionó a Heidegger y algún otro más. Recuerdo también otra incomodidad: cada año el seminario que nos daba corregía o alteraba lo que había enseñado el año anterior. Eso nos producía cierta perplejidad. Pero me sirvió a mí para comprender que se aprende del error y de lo que nos claro y que las formas o las técnicas no son lo importante sino lo que en ellas se expresa.
Gracias por esa enseñanza sensei.
Carlos A. Casali
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ti ho conosciuto 35 anni fa, e da subito ho capito che c’era qualcosa di unico in te. Negli anni seguenti, ad ogni tuo seminario mi stupivi coi tuoi discorsi, mi creavi dubbi, mi costringevi a pormi domande , mi accorsi che avevi una capacità di analisi sulle dinamiche della vita e dell’essere umano che pochi possono avere e che io spesso non riuscivo a comprendere. Mi hai insegnato molto e porterò con me il tuo ricordo cercando di seguire i tuoi insegnamenti. Mi mancherai molto, mancherai molto a tutti noi.
Grazie Per Tutto Sensei
Maurizio Castelletti
Dojo Ronin Novara
The bewilderment makes us grope in the dark and at the mercy of emotions, but he said: (If you follow my teachings, follow the path of love and respect). Together we have the task of sprouting the seeds that Yoshigasaki sowed.
Lo smarrimento ci fa brancolare nel buio e in balia delle emozioni, ma lui ha detto: (Se segui i miei insegnamenti, segui la via dell'amore e del rispetto). Insieme abbiamo il compito di far germogliare i semi che Yoshigasaki ha seminato.
Mara Montano, Prato, Italy
Dear Sensei,
Your seminars were every time a wonderful and magical experience.
The time expanded, and at the same time ceased to exist.
Practicing and listening, only the present moment present.
Many times when you were talking about the world, my mind drifted off.
But then and there something happened, too. In listening without
really listening to the literal words, space and stillness arised.
And from there the practice of Aikido got into a new dimension for me.
Thank you Sensei.
Lots of love to Marie Rose.
Ki Aikido Centrum
The great achievements of man are those which are not noisy.
You have been a light in my life.
Have a good journey.
Martinus Merz
Condolences from Michael Lebens and Göteborgs Ki-Aikido Sällskap
It is with deep sadness and a profound sense of loss that we send our condolences to Marie Rose. We all consider ourselves lucky to have been touched by the wisdom of Sensei's teachings over the years.
If you honor me
When I am finally gone
Look to the future
Then my love lives on in you
And I'm still helping the world
Noi proseguiremo sul tuo sentiero nel modo migliore che potremo, Doshu.
Centro Ki Aikido Bologna - "Tana delle Tigri"
Il ricordo più bello che ho di te è in un prato al tramonto con un grosso cocomero in braccio. Il più potente è stato quando mi hai guardato da sopra le spade incrociate e mi hai insegnato la differenza sottile che c'è tra colpire e tagliare.
Buon viaggio, Doshu.
Scilla Bonfiglioli
When a great Aikido master leaves his body even the earth is shaking in Japan.
Doshu, thank you for everything you have taught and are still teaching. Thank you for your ongoing presence, even if you have changed your form completely. Thank you for bringing the shining light of your soul into the world. You are still an impeccable mirror. Sensei, see you along the way. Your legacy will live in and through us.
Marie Rose thank you for your love and intimacy, for being with your beloved husband, our sensei. May you be blessed and be able to turn this tremendous loss into a gain.
In love an respect, kokoro wo komite with all ones heart
Vera, JaguarWoman
Thank you Sensei!
Sylvia Högel
Horst Kollan
Christian Oberlander
Katja Popp
Reiner Seitz
Robert Bintig
Peter Ulrich
Wolfgang Walter
and all Students from the Aikido Dojo Nürnberg
The picture is from 1979 - first Seminar in Erlangen
Certainly I learned and trained a lot of technical abilities in all those years of practicing Aikido.
But after forty years the most valuable knowledge that I draw from that is:
can you practice and teach Aikido without having a certain deep feeling for respect and love? And without feeling the own sincere desire to share that?
Love and respect, possibly the only thing which may change the world in a good healthy, if only small way.
In other words: what is any Aikido practice or Aikido teaching good for if it does not ultimately lead to love and respect for each other?
And this not only with tatami under one‘s feet, but above all in one‘s life and daily circumstance.
How many human beings in this world need Aikido?
But surely every human being has an essential need for respect and love.
And this is the most important and precious I got out of Sensei‘s teachings.
For my part I see this as a personal, self chosen obligation, trying to fulfil this as good as I can…
I am very sad in this times...
But I am glad that I was given the opportunity to meet him, to listen to him and to learn from him.
Quite sure I would not be the same person today without having met him...
Thank you for all you offered to us and for all I could take...
My thoughts are with you, Marie-Rose...
Jürgen Henkelmann,
Kiodas Dojo Berlin
Gestern geträumt.
Dieser Tage in der routine-durchgestylten Welt. In einem Haus neu angekommen, das Jugendlichen helfen soll. Mich allein gelassen gefühlt. Beim Essenverteilen neugierig geguckt, wo es herkommt. Offenes Feuer im Freien, von der Frau des Gründers, Tom, gekocht. Seine Frau, die weise verschmitzt gekocht hat: die beiden die Seele des Hauses. Daraufhin zu einer Goldschmiede gerufen: das Gold, den Reichtum gefunden. Der Preis: ich mußte ein shanty singen: Rhythmus, aus dem Innen gespeist, gibt die Kraft für Veränderung, in der Arbeit mit Menschen.
Die Seele ist das dahinter.
Danke sensei
Reiner Seitz
Dreamed yesterday.
Somewhere these days in the routine-straightened world. Come newly to a house in which young people get help. Felt very alone. When eating was served curiously looked where it comes from. Open fire outdoors, prepared by the wife of Tom, the founder. His wife, wise and impishly cooking : they both being the spirit of the house. Hereafter being called to a goldsmiths': having found the treasure. The price to pay: I had to sing a shanty. Rhythm, yielded from Inside, supplies power for change in working with people.
Spirit is what is behind.
Thank You sensei
Reiner Seitz
Caro Sensei,
infinitamente rattristati ma pieni di gratitudine per i momenti irripetibili che lei ci ha donato nell’ambito dell’Aikido sui tatami di Balerna e a Bosco Gurin, ci raccogliamo in rispettoso silenzio per accompagnarla con un pensiero d’amore nella via di luce che la riporta alla Fonte della Vita da cui tutto nasce.
Vogliamo dedicare alla sua amata persona questo pensiero, che descrive molto bene ciò che lei è stato nella vita e per tutti noi:
è l’espressione di un cuore
che tende ad aprirsi.
Chi dona apre un circuito,
rompe una catena,
trasferisce energia,
stabilisce un contatto.
Chi dona appartiene alla VITA,
è nel grande giro della Vita,
è un centro ricettore-trasmettitore”.
Caro Sensei,
Un grande maestro disse che l’uomo muore perché è immortale: noi crediamo che sia vero.
Lei rimarrà per sempre inciso nel nostro cuore e nella nostra mente, e così sia!
Dojo di Balerna, Associazione ticinese ki aikido, Svizzera
Dear Sensei,
infinitely saddened but full of gratitude for the unrepeatable moments that you have given us in the context of Aikido on the tatamis of Balerna and Bosco Gurin, we gather in respectful silence to accompany you with a thought of love in the path of light that brings you back to Source of Life from which everything is born.
We want to dedicate this thought to your beloved person, which describes very well what you have been in life and for all of us:
"to donate
is the expression of a heart
which tends to open.
Who gives opens a circuit,
breaks a chain,
transfers energy,
establishes contact.
Who gives belongs to LIFE,
and in the great dance of life,
it is a receiving-transmitting center "
Dear Sensei,
a great master said that man dies because he is immortal: we believe that he is true.
You will forever remain etched in our hearts and minds, and so be it!
Dojo of Balerna, Associaton Ticinese Ki Aikido, Switzerland
Lieber Sensei,
unendlich traurig, aber voller Dankbarkeit für die unwiederholbaren Momente, die Sie uns im Aikido auf den Tatami von Balerna und Bosco Gurin gegeben haben, versammeln wir uns in respektvollem Schweigen, um Sie mit einem Gedanken von Liebe auf dem Weg des Lichts zu begleiten, der Sie zurück bringt zur Quelle des Lebens, aus der alles geboren ist.
Wir möchten diese Gedanken Ihrer geliebten Person widmen, die sehr gut beschreiben, was Sie im Leben und für uns alle waren:
ist der Ausdruck eines Herzens
das sich öffnen will.
Wer gibt, eröffnet einen Kreislauf,
sprengt eine Kette,
überträgt Energie,
stellt Kontakt her.
Wer gibt, gehört zum LEBEN,
ist im grossen Reigen des Lebens,
ist ein Zentrum zum Empfangen und Übertragen ".
Lieber Sensei,
ein grosser Lehrer sagte einmal, dass der Mensch stirbt, weil er unsterblich ist:
Wir glauben, dass es wahr ist.
Sie werden für immer in unseren Herzen und Gedanken eingraviert bleiben, und so sei es!
Dojo von Balerna, Tessiner Assoziation Ki Aikido, Schweiz
Dear Sensei,
Thank you for having so much patience. I have learned so much in your seminars in 25 years of aikido practice. Thank you for your challenges. Thank you for improving my aikido and my life. I am truly grateful.
Marion Jost
Loughborough, England
Sensei sound kiai
a glow turns to fire now
healing in burning
Olav Erlendsson, Denmark
Dear Sensei
Thank you for all your teaching and wisdom!
I will forever carry your words in my heart.
We will continue to practice and teach each other what you have taught us over the years.
It won’t be easy but we will do our best.
Yours truly
Thorsten Rink, Sweden
Good-bye Doshu Yoshigasaki. Nobody will forget you.
KiAikido Trieste, Italy
Il y a 40ans, au mois de mars 1981, vous arriviez à Ronchamp répondant à l'invitation de notre maître instructeur Fernand RIGOULOT, puis vous êtes revenu tous les ans.
Votre venue dans notre petite cité autrefois minière était considérée comme un évènement exceptionnel vécu avec joie mais aussi avec une certaine appréhension pour les candidats au passage de grade.
Chaque séminaire était un renouvellement , et nous appréciions beaucoup vos explications teintées parfois d'une pointe d'humour.
Vous vous intéressiez également à l'histoire locale de notre région.
La fin de chaque séminaire était vécue avec une certaine nostalgie de notre part, mais nous en sortions plus "forts" et plus assurés.
Reposez en paix.
A vous Marie-Rose et à votre famille, nous vous présentons noe sincères condoléances.
Pierre et Martine Cornu. - France
Thank you, Sensei, for teaching us without judgement, without privileging anyone, without expectation on our results.
I can't imagine a greater love than that.
Endlessly grateful!
Anamaria Dzoja, Croatia
Thank you for all the time you spent with us.
We shall miss you
Jose Marco, Spain
On seminars, when your gaze crossed mine while I was training, I usually and regularly understood “you are doing it incorrectly in so many ways” from it. But through your confidence and patience of a true teacher, which you always expressed at the same time, I still felt I was on the right path.
In gratitude for everything I learned and will continue to learn from you,
Lilly Buck, Germany
In tears and deep sadness
I deeply bow to Sensei in gratefulness
from the bottom of my heart
for his great peaceful aikido-art-work he gave to us.
Feeling grateful for all he teached me,
for all that big challenges in body and mind and spirit
in Aikido-art and for daily life,
for "Line-not-point-mathematics" for "Don't fight!" and "Don't hurt" and "Don't resist!" and "See the future!"and "Change YOUR mind!" ,
feeling grateful for insisting pitiless on precision in mind and body and relationship,
feeling grateful for teaching my teachers so well,
for his neverending exploring and developing his aikido-art
and sharing with us,
for his books and scripts and videos,
for his untiring supporting and gardening
all the Dojos in all that different countries with uncountable exhausting travels and seminars.
Such a big family grew and I'm feeling grateful that I could find such good friends going the same way.
Thank you all for your consoling words!
Thank you, that I'm not alone going on that path!
Thank you, that we'll give our best!
My thoughts go to Marie Rose and his family with my deep condolence.
May be cranes with you on your last flight!
Elisabeth Zümdel
(from Ullas Dojo in Berlin, Germany)
Dear Sensai, thank you for holding such harmony and inspiration.
With gratitude
Nicolette Austin, ki aikido Scotland.
It is hard for me to think that there will be no more seminars where I can listen to you and admire your precise and meaningful explanations of Aikdo techniques. I especially loved your stories and reflections that gave so much meaning to seminars and learning Aikido. My heart is full of beautiful memories. I feel honored to have been able to learn from you. Goodbye Sensei.
Eva Belak, Društvo Ki Dojo Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dear Sensei,
no words inside me hearing about your passing away.
nevertheless so many of your words inside myself
teaching attention,
teaching life and love.
your voice will never stop.
I am deeply grateful for this encounter.
Peter Dittmar, Nürnberg - Germany
Dear Sensei,
my deepest bow...
This photo is special cause it is when the magic happened! It is a photo taken on the last day of your seminar 2014.
My first seminar with you, when you changed my life in a way it is unbelievable. The doors you opened for me, the path that you opened for me...WOOOW... thank you!
You gave me the most powerful tool to live my life, to walk my path!
You make me happy and you make me laugh from my heart..... it was magnificent! I will never forget your seminars, everything about it.. the energy all together around your seminars... oh the ecstacy of being a live...I was lucky to become your student and I will never stop being your student!
I will miss to hear you speak, your seminar's, your trainings but I am sure, Sensei , your new ways are gonna be fun as well..since there is no question Ki flows... happy journey and see you around ;)
my bow to you, dear Sensei
Marija Malnar, Croatia, Aikido Kuca Zagreb
Sensei was able to show you reality under different, unusual, perspectives. In one of our last mail exchanges he wrote “You have a very linear way of thinking which comes from the imaginations you created during your education studies, but you can always create new imagination which allows you to think different ways”.
As a teacher he had an impressive spirit of observation, during a seminar you could be sure that among a hundred people he would spot every time your technique was off and make you work exactly on that.
Although he had no problem telling you that something you did or said was stupid he was extremely gentle and kind towards other people difficulties, both in and out of the tatami, just like in and out of the tatami he had this perfectly timed, witty sense of humour.
Personally, having the chance to be often His uke and to practice directly with Him in these years has been like it could be for a young, amateur jazz musician to play with Miles Davis. When I started studying Aikido I didn't even dare to dream so much grace.
The pain for our loss stands in front of us, unbridgeable, but just like he taught, pain is a private matter.
“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” (H. Murakami)
Paolo Riccardi, Italy
Sensei riusciva a farti vedere la realtà da punti di vista diversi e inaspettati. In uno dei nostri ultimi scambi via mail mi scrisse “tu hai un modo di pensare molto lineare che ti viene dall'immaginazione che hai creato durante i tuoi studi, ma puoi sempre creare nuove immaginazioni che ti permettono di pensare in modi diversi”.
Come Maestro possedeva uno spirito d'osservazione impressionante, potevi stare sicuro che in un seminario, in mezzo a cento persone, lui notasse tutte le volte che la tecnica ti veniva peggio del solito e su quello ti faceva lavorare.
Malgrado non avesse nessun tipo di problema a dirti che stavi dicendo o facendo una cosa stupida era anche una persona che sapeva essere estremamente gentile con le difficoltà altrui, dentro e fuori dal tatami, così come dentro e fuori dal tatami aveva un senso dell'umorismo ed un gusto per la battuta meravigliosi.
Personalmente aver avuto la fortuna di fargli da Uke in molte occasioni e di praticare direttamente con Lui in questi anni, è stato come potrebbe essere per un giovane jazzista dilettante suonare con Miles Davis. Quando ho cominciato non avrei neanche sognato di poter sperare tanto.
Resta il dolore della perdita, incolmabile ed insostituibile ma come lui ci ha insegnato, il dolore è una questione privata.
“Il dolore è inevitabile, la sofferenza è optional” (H.Murakami)
Paolo Riccardi, Italia
I remember I had just started my aikido journey when Doshu was visiting Finland around year 2000 and for some reason he was not able to stay at his normal place so he was accommodating in my house. I remember that instructions were not to talk to sensei if he was not talking himself. Well that went well cause I am Finnish after all...no need to talk while sober. I remember he was mostly sitting on the couch or looking out of the window and asking how my house was built and which materials were used. Those discussions were very short since I was building websites not houses.
Saturday morning we drove to the dojo and in front of the dojo there was a grass field. We were early and Doshu went walking there and suddenly picked up something and put it into his mouth. He came back and showed me some mushroom and my first thought was..."OH MY GOD. DOSHU WAS ON MY RESPONSIBILITY AND NOW HE IS POISONED BY EATING SOME UNKNOWN MUSHROOM". It was a horrible morning session because I was only trying to see if he got sick or not and I should take him into the hospital.
All in all I think he enjoyed his visits in Finland and Finnish demeanour.
To me Doshu seemed to be always scanning current habitat and people in that space. He seemed to have truly peripheral view and eyes in his back too. He could pick smallest details in things while also understanding things at large scale. I was going through some old photos and got confirmation to my gut feeling that he really enjoyed teaching all students, also beginners with a big smile. He also was a real sharpshooter with his humour.
Doshu : "I have been doing and teaching this technique like this for 25 years and then I understood that I was wrong."
Imagine being so devoted to Your art/craft and so open and flexible in your mind that after doing and teaching it for tens of years you still find how to do things better, how to go deeper, how to split the whole sequence into many pieces and then put it back together with little modification that makes it little better, have courage to admit mistakes to yourself . Doshu showed with his example that dojo is a place of studying, a place of exploration, a place where you don't need to be afraid to make mistakes. We should cherish this teaching in and outside of the dojo.
Juri Ahokas, Helsinki Suomi-Finland
“That is nonsense!” Yoshigasaki Sensei used to say with a comical laugh at his seminars, referring to behaviours that human beings can have. That is what comes to mind when I with a few words try to capture the ocean of meaning, and the impact that a teacher so full of wisdom has had on my life. With infinite teachings as simple and clear as when he once said: "We must live in such a way that one does not create confusion in the world". These simple words have constantly resonated in my consciousness, deeply influencing everything in my way of living.
Once, doubting my own understanding of what it is to be a “beginner Aikido teacher” with a few students, I asked him: “What is the correct way to introduce myself to them?” He looked at me with his characteristic calmness, and just said; “They can call you Sensei”. This was for me as if he had just tuned a string, making me understand that by assuming that term, I had to embody his teachings to the best of my ability in order to share the path of aikido with my students.
Now, with his sudden departure and having a feeling of emptiness and of being lost, I now better perceive the meaning of Doshu. I strongly feel a kind of duty which implies that we perhaps could ‘have’ or ‘be’ a bit of Doshu in ourselves, having been in some way fortunate and honored recipients of his wisdom.
Sensei's teachings will always be present in my way of living and in my way of transmitting Aikido. I will honor him by striving to continue and preserve, to the best of my ability, the way of life that he showed us as the art of living and a path of love and respect.
Thank you Sensei for all the invaluable gifts you have given us in this life.
I will miss you deeply.
John López
Ki Aikido Colombia
“¡Eso es un sinsentido!” Solía decir Yoshigasaki Sensei con una risa cómica en sus seminarios, refiriéndose a los comportamientos que pueden tener los seres humanos. Eso es lo que me viene a la mente cuando con unas pocas palabras trato de capturar el océano de significado y el impacto que ha tenido en mi vida un maestro tan lleno de sabiduría. Con infinidad de enseñanzas tan simples y claras como cuando dijo una vez: "Debemos vivir de tal manera que uno no sea creador de confusión en el mundo". Estas sencillas palabras han resonado constantemente en mi conciencia, influyendo profundamente en todo en mi forma de vivir.
Una vez, dudando de mi propia comprensión de lo que es ser un "maestro de Aikido principiante" con algunos estudiantes, le pregunté: "¿Cuál es la forma correcta de presentarme a ellos?" Me miró con su calma característica y solo dijo; “Pueden llamarte Sensei”. Esto fue para mí como si él acabara de afinar una cuerda, haciéndome entender que al asumir ese término, yo tendría que encarnar sus enseñanzas lo mejor posible para así poder compartir el camino del aikido con mis alumnos.
Ahora, con su partida repentina, teniendo una sensación de vacío y de estar perdido, percibo mejor el significado de Doshu. Siento una especie de deber que implica que tal vez podríamos "tener" o "ser" un poco de Doshu en nosotros mismos, habiendo sido de alguna manera receptores afortunados y honrados de su sabiduría.
Las enseñanzas de Sensei siempre estarán presentes en mi forma de vivir y en mi forma de transmitir Aikido. Lo honraré esforzándome por continuar y preservar, lo mejor que pueda, la forma de vida que él nos mostró cómo el arte de vivir y un camino de amor y respeto.
Gracias Sensei por todos los regalos invaluables que nos has dado en esta vida.
Te extrañaré profundamente.
John López
Ki Aikido Colombi
Damals an der TU Berlin sammelten sich Studenten beim Aikido, die noch nicht fertig mit ihrem Lebensplan, die aufgeschlossen und neugierig waren. Auffällig war der soziale Zusammenhalt der Gruppe, das Kümmern, Nachfragen, Austauschen. Ein großes soziales Netzwerk hat sich entwickelt, über die Grenzen des eigenen Dojos hinaus, auch über Stadt- und Landgrenzen. Viele wichtige Schlüsselerlebnisse bekamen wir beim Aikido oder durch Freunde vom Aikido.
Anregungen für den Beruf: Ich lernte meinen Raum einzunehmen vor der Klasse, seelisch zu wachsen durch die Konzentration bei der Bewegung auf mich und den Partner, ohne am anderen herumzuzerren. So viele Dinge für das tägliche Leben. Er hat eine Weisheit entwickelt, die wir mitnehmen und weitertragen können. Wir danken von Herzen.
Die hohe Konzentration von Sensei auf sich und die Gruppe, die Ausstrahlung, sich auf das Wesentliche zu fokussieren, strahlte durch den ganzen Raum und war so heilsam!
Years ago, in the Technical University in Berlin, students started Aikido, who were not jet ready with their life, open and curious. The social contact with each other was very important, take care, ask, exchange. A big social network developed, between Dojos, towns and countries.
We got many key-experiences through Aikido and the friends, we knew through Aikido.
Suggestions fort he job: We learned to take the space in our professions, to grow because oft he concentration on ourselves and on the partner, instead of trying to manipulate. So much things for the daily life. He developed something, that we can take with us and cary on.
The high concentration of sensei on himself and on the group was broadcasting the whole room. It was so healthy. Thank you so much.
Eva Kluge, Berlin, Germany
Caro Maestro,
Ti sono grato per le lezioni che ci hai dato, dentro e fuori dal Dojo.
Confesso che alcune di esse ancora non le ho capite pienamente, ma sarà per me materiale di studio, un punto di partenza su cui lavorare in futuro.
Sei sempre stato una guida ed una fonte di grande ispirazione per tutti noi, ora dovremo elaborare e sviluppare il nostro Aikidō sulla base dei tuoi insegnamenti.
È stato un privilegio ed un onore averti conosciuto ed essere stato uno dei tuoi tanti allievi.
Il tuo ricordo rimarrà sempre vivido nel mio cuore ed in quello di tutti i tuoi studenti.
Possa la tua anima trovare la quiete.
Riposa in Pace, Sensei.
Luca Calloni - Ki Aikido Pavia, Italy
Dear Master,
I’m thankful for all lessons you’ve given us, both inside and outside the Dojo.
I must confess that I still haven't completely understood some of them, but it will be studies material for me, a starting point to work on, in future.
You’ve always been a guide and a source of great inspiration for all of us, now we have to elaborate and develop our Aikidō based on your teachings.
It has been a privilege and an honor to have known you and to have been one of your many students.
Your memory will always remain vivid in my heart and in all of your students’ heart.
May your soul find quietness.
Rest in Peace, Sensei.
Luca Calloni - Ki Aikido Pavia, Italy
Caro Maestro
mi inchino e con il cuore pieno di dolore ringrazio.
Ringrazio Dio di aver fatto incrociare il mio cammino con il suo e i suoi insegnamenti.
è stato uno dei doni più preziosi che possa aver mai ricevuto nella vita.
Per sempre grato la porterò nel cuore fino alla fine dei miei giorni
Stefano Bartoli
Insegnante Aikido Siena Italia
Dear Sensei
I bow and with a heart full of pain I thank you.
I thank God for having made my path cross with you and your teachings.
It was one of the most precious gifts I have ever received in life.
Forever grateful I will carry you in my heart until the end of my days
Stefano Bartoli
Teacher Aikido Siena Italy
Danke für alles, was du uns lehrtest und vorgelebt hast.
Wir werden dich vermissen und wir werden uns stets erinnern, mit einem Lächeln im Herzen.
Bei jeder Frage, die wir nicht gestellt haben... Bei jedem Pilz den wir braten und immer wenn wir einer deiner vielen Weisheiten falsch zitieren. Du hast uns bereichert und unser Leben verändert. Danke.
In Gedanken sind wir auch bei Mary Rose. Wir wünschen ihr ganz viel Kraft und Trost in all den guten Erinnerungen
Thank you.
Thank you for everything you have taught us and exemplified.
We will miss you and we will always remember with a smile in our hearts.
With every question that we haven't asked ... With every mushroom we fry and every time we misjudge one of your many wisdoms. You enriched us and changed our lives. Thank you.
Our minds are also with Mary Rose. We wish her a lot of strength and consolation in all the good memories
Dojo Trier
Armin and Angela
We are deeply saddened by the news. We have lost our teacher, our Sensei, who generously shared his knowledge with us for 35 years. We are so grateful that he was a part of our lives.
Our sincere condolences to Marie Rose and his family.
Milan Jeremic
Ki Aikido club Belgrade
Ki Aikido club Dinamo Pancevo
Dear Sensei,
When I first met Aikido 34 years ago, I listened to interesting stories about a man we always called just Sensei.
After the first seminar, I appreciated you even more because I saw humility and humanity in that size.
It was a meeting with Teacher in the true sense of the word.
From the first to the last day Sensei was the Light star in my life ..
He has given so much good that it is difficult to describe in words.
So thank you Sensei for giving me a hand and giving us the opportunity to learn and develop together, for opening up countless new windows and making my life more complete and interesting.
Just being at your seminar was always a ceremony and a great opportunity for me, not to mention big moments together outside the tatami, privately either in Croatia or in Japan ... anywhere, but always bright, harmonious and simple and true.
Dear Sensei, on the long journey so far, you have given me a lot and been a role model in perseverance, intelligence, tolerance, harmony... not to mention in Aikido.
So now, when unfortunately "you changing your position and your form" , the biggest thanks and bow for the great achievements you have done in this life..
It will help me to continue on the Path that YOU started ..
Branko Mandić
Aikodo Dojo Zagreb
“Quando l'allievo è pronto, appare il Maestro”.
Così recita un proverbio.
Ma quando il Maestro se ne va, l'Allievo non è mai pronto.
Grazie di tutto Sensei, per gli insegnamenti di tutti questi anni, per averci mostrato la Via e fatto amare la meravigliosa Arte dell'Aikido.
Ora tocca a tutti noi percorrere il Cammino per conto nostro. Mi auguro andremo avanti stando uniti, con amore e rispetto reciproco.
Fabio Stagni, Ki Aikido Kai, Italia.
“When the student is ready, the Master appears”.
So says an old proverb.
But when the Master leaves, the student is never ready.
Thank you Sensei. Thank you for the teachings during of all these years, for showing us the Way and making us love the beautiful Aikido Art.
Now it's up to all of us walking the Path ourselves. I hope we will go on standing together, loving and respecting each other.
Fabio Stagni, Ki Aikido Kai, Italy.
Mein Herz ist schwer, versuche ich doch zu verstehen.
Meine Gedanken sind klar und weit.
Meine Erinnerungen wach und ungetrübt.
Es war auf einem Seminar in Essen 1989, bei einer der vielen Aikidoübungen verletzte ich mich am Fuß.
Du nahmst Dich persönlich meinen Schmerzen und der Verletzung an. Immer wieder in den kurzen Pausen bist Du bei mir gewesen mit Deiner Fürsorge.
Dies war das wohl erste und auch prägendste Erlebnis in den vielen Jahren Aikido mit Dir.
Deine Lehre, Konzepte und Sichtweisen haben mich, uns geprägt sowie ermutigt diesen Weg weiterzugehen.
Meine Sichtweise nicht zu fokussieren und alles zu sehen lernte ich durch Dich.
Bei unserem letzen zusammentreffen in meiner Heimat sprachen und schwiegen wir viel.
Zusammen kochten wir Spargel den Du immer sehr gern gegessen hast und genossen die Zeit vor dem Seminarbeginn.
Die Themen waren immer vielfältig und interessant, die Spaziergänge zwischen den Übungseinheiten ebenso lehrreich für mich.
Als Lehrer fragtest Du oft im Aikido danach „how to be correct“?
Es liegt an uns mit Deinen Lehren umzugehen und diesen Weg weiterzugehen.
Christian Probst - Ki Aikido Bremen & Members
My heart is heavy, I'm trying to understand
My thoughts are clear and wide.
My memories awake and unclouded.
It was at a seminar in Essen in 1989, during one of the many aikido exercises I injured my foot. You personally took care of my pain and injury. Again and again in the short breaks you were with me with your care. This was probably the first and most formative experience in many years of Aikido with you.
Your teaching, concepts and perspectives have shaped me, us and encouraged us to continue on this path. I learned not to focus my point of view and to see everything through you. When we last met in my homeland, we talked and kept silent a lot. Together we cooked asparagus, which you always loved to eat and enjoyed the time before the seminar started.
The topics were always varied and interesting, and the walks between the exercise units were just as instructive for me.
As a teacher in Aikido you often asked "how to be correct“?
It is up to us to deal with your teachings and to continue on this path.
Christian Probst - Ki Aikido Bremen & Members
Thank you Sensei, it was a wonderful time for so many years!
You will always remain in our hearts and help us to live and pass on the way of love and respect, in aikido as well as in real life.
Jean-Jacques, Barbara and all members of Aikido Makoto in Balingen
Farewell to Doshu, the „Keeper Of The Way“.
Farewell to Sensei, the „One Who Has Lived Before“.
He kept „The Way“ for us so that we might learn to travel it.
He „Came Before“ so that we might be there when he was gone.
We will continue to travel „The Way“. He has shown us how.
We are here now. We will preserve „The Way“.
Jens Tenhaeff, Berlin
Through my fifty years of teaching aikido, I found the most important thing is love and respect.
If you are following me, you follow the way of love and respect.
Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei
6. December 2020
Durante i miei cinquant'anni di insegnamento dell'aikido, ho scoperto che le cose più importanti sono l'amore e il rispetto.
Se mi segui, segui la via dell'amore e del rispetto."
Doshu, Yoshigasaki Sensei
6. dicembre 2020