
Lectures and Q&A

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The World


Originally, Europe was just a small part of the world but since the time of The Roman Empire, Europe has expanded across the planet; from the American continents; to the African continent; all the way to Australia and places in between. Basically, Europe has dominated the whole world.

Human beings always have a philosophy, and it is necessary, therefore, to understand European philosophy, because this philosophy has also conquered the world.

The basis of European philosophy comes from Christianity. It is the belief in one god and the dualism which follows logically. It is important to know that the modern world is governed by this philosophy. The dualism, we are informed, exists as good or bad; right or wrong, which is then propagated by the church.

The second part of the European philosophy is the declaring of ones right. One must declare ones right, otherwise one loses ones right.

Once, a group of people stayed in Furusato and there was no toilet paper. The group contacted me and asked me if I could buy the toilet paper. I told them that they should have brought the toilet paper, because in Furusato people must bring what they consume. They then replied that I should have told them about this before they travelled.

This is European philosophy; Since I did not tell them to bring toilet paper, it was my fault that they had not brought it.

One can just look at what happened in America. When Europeans sailed to America, the people who were living there did not tell the Europeans that America was their land. So, the Europeans declared that the land, now called America, belonged to Europe and killed anyone who did not accept it.

28. December 2020

The only way to make the world better

Human beings act based on their imaginations. One cannot control one’s imaginations so when one has a bad imagination, one acts bad. If one has a good imagination, one acts good. Since we cannot control our imaginations, we cannot control our acts. So the only way to make the world better is to expand our imaginations by creating harmony in our imaginations. We create art by expressing our imaginations in a harmonious way. So any expression of harmony is good for the world. Normally this harmonious expression is called art but there are many more ways of expressing harmony.

Language is one of the most important human activities. We can create harmony in our language by creating it based on the real world. The whole language must be able to represent the whole world even though it is impossible to do it perfectly. Then we have to change the meaning of each word.

Most people believe that they should use each word according to the dictionary. However, the meaning of each word has been changing during the human history. It is because the imaginations of majority of people have changed and this changed the meanings of certain words. Dictionaries only follow this change. So it is possible to create harmony in this world by creating a new meaning to each word.

This new meaning is created by trying to understand the whole world and the universe. If you are intelligent and want to make the world better, please try to express everything even if the meaning of certain word is different from the society and the dictionary. Do not express only yourself, your life, or your country. Then you will create conflict in the world.

2. November 2020

Freedom is a wrong idea

The word “freedom”or “liberté” started to be used in the society to revolt against governments which did not allow people to live. That is why people started to fight against government risking their lives.

Now people can live comfortable life with their government so they do not try to fight against government. Politicians in democratic countries have to make people happy to be elected so they use money and desire. They promise more money and more desire. So freedom changed the meaning and it started to mean to do or to say what you want. To do or to say what you want is animal behaviour.

In animal world or in the society of children or childish people, the stronger will punish the weaker so you learn naturally what you should not do or say. In rich countries government prohibit people to punish each other since 50 years so people started to believe that they can do or say what they want. Naturally that creates conflict so government decides what you should not do or say. People now believe that they can do or say anything they like as long as government allow them.

The original meaning of freedom which was a way of fighting against government has become a way of controlling people by government.

1. November 2020

Why we do not learn from Covid?

In order to learn something, one needs to have a clear purpose of what one wants to achieve. That is why scientists, doctors learned a lot from the crisis.

Very rich people who risked to lose a lot of money also learned a lot because they definitely want to control the world in order to keep their wealth.  

Normal European people live with dependence on their government so they just want to live like before. That is why they do not want to learn anything.

30. June 2020

What is humanity?

The world is judging people with the word "Crime against Humanity" but do they know what humanity means?  You must understand the difference between life and material first. There is an idea that Artificial Intelligence is better than human brains and there are many who want to promote this idea. However, it is already treated by "Terminator" which is actually a war between humans and AI. US movies tend to show that humans have sentiments and this should be respected.This is a very dangerous idea. it is already known since thousands years by the saying," The road to hell is paved with good intention." Adolf Hitler was known to be a sentimental person and many dangerous people are sentimental. Many people mix up love and sentiments.

The difference between life and material is relationships. Life is relationship and the whole life is supporting one another. That is why we have to try to understand this relationship in order to maintain life on this world. Then what is the difference between human and other animals. It is imagination. Animals do not have much imagination but human activity is based on imagination. So humans can be very good or very bad according to the imagination. When we want to improve something, we are always improving our imagination regardless of our activities such as art, science, normal job, hobby, sports, etc. We have to try to improve ourselves all the time so that humanity prevails on this world. If we stop, we will go down and lose humanity.

25. june 2020

History and Democracy

Most people believe what they learned at school history and unconsciously brainwashed by the media and other people. All human beings are biased and believe in a wrong history. It means everybody is wrong. This truth was know in religions that people should not judge others but follow the judgement of God. Since science has took over religion, many people mistakenly think that they can judge. It is necessary to understand the limit of science. Science and artificial intelligence can only know “how to do” and can never know ”what to do”. Some may argue that AI can tell what to do but AI is always based on the fundamental “what to do” decided by human beings. Since the second industrial revolution with petrol, the world has been pursuing “how to realise” the goal that “one lives as long as possible with as much money as possible”.  This is what all government in the world tried in the crisis of Covid. They had to decide the balance between “live as long as possible” and “as much money as possible.”

All history is a personal opinion of the past and it is impossible to decide the correct history. Each government has to decide what history the school teachers must teach.  That is why everyone is biased. The only way to be free from this brainwashing is to create one’s own history. You must create your own history of yourself, your family, your country and your world so that you can create the world which you believe is good.

History decided by government only justifies the past. It is because they want agreement from others. Politics is basically an activity to get agreement between people. So history must explain the world now since we can agree on the world now.  However, we have to create a better world for the future. So our history should explain the future. Government cannot do it because people do not agree for the future. That is why history accepted  by government is useless to create a better world and that is why each of us must create our own history  of the world which helps us to create the better future.

22. june 2020

What is democracy?

The first question we should have is if democracy is a name for a philosophy or a system.  I remember that democracy was a philosophy in 1960 and we were discussing which system is better to achieve democracy; capitalism or communism.  Since 1970 most people think unconsciously that democracy is a system which is not compatible with communism because it should be based on voting. So some countries start a war by killing thousands of innocent people in order to create a government based on voting.

Democracy should be a philosophy and not a system. Why is it so important?  Philosophy is based on the question,"What to do?" and system is based on "How to do?" It is evident that the first question should be "What to do?" There is a difference between animal rights and human rights. Animals basically live with instinct so they have a right to survive in its predefined environment. For example a dog needs an adequate food and water and some space to move around. If you do not give enough water or food or keep your dog in a cage all the time, you may be accused of a crime against animal rights. If you give water and food and keep your dog in the garden, you are OK. This environment for a human being is called a well-equipped prison.  If a government keeps an innocent person in a well-equipped prison which exists in Sweden or Finland, it is still a crime against human rights because human rights includes a right to create one's life as one wishes. So "what to do" is the basic of humanity.

One of the most important way to create one's life is religion. That is why democracy should include the freedom of religion. Christianity did not accept other religions so there was dictatorship of church and government in Europe for a long time. As the Christian church became weaker, the idea of democracy was born in Europe in order to free people from the church and the government. In other part of the world outside Christianity and Islam, governments accepted more different religions. People did not suffer from the monopoly of religions so the idea of democracy was not born.  Even in Europe the Ottoman Empire was famous for accepting different religions even though the majority was Islam. Then Christian countries attacked with the strategy of "Divide and Rule". As a result of the destruction of the Ottoman Empire during the first and the second World War, modern Turkey was created , which does not accept different religions very much.

Next important part of democracy is freedom of thoughts. This should be separated from freedom of speech or expression. Thoughts are inside each human being. Speech or Expression are in the society and so there is always a question of what the limit is. It is evident that one should not express or speak as one wants. It is not good to express racism, sexual abuse, child sex, attack on other religion, etc. and now the whole world is discussing what and how to control the expression and speech.

Since freedom of expression is always a compromise in the society, we should first establish the freedom of thoughts. It looks like the academic world agrees that human language, different from animal language, is made to develop thoughts. Academic world is based on writing so everything is thought. However, a human being in a real world is based on imagination and not on thoughts. So the truth is that human language is made to develop imagination. The meaning of each word can only be an imagination and each human being has his own imagination. It means each human being defines each word he uses.

However, many people think that they should use each word according to the dictionary. In France "Academie Francaise" claims that they should decide how the French language should be. This is an intellectual dictatorship and it is not the reality. I remember that a German woman angrily accused me 35 years ago,"Why don't you use English according to the dictionary?"  Prince of Wales many years ago declared," The English language is the language mostly used in the world and we should keep the correct English" and some journalist criticised him that he was not speaking a correct English.

The reality is that each human being is participating in the development of each language but most people are only following the society. Then the society will not be a good place for people. Each person must consciously define each word he uses  in order to actively participate in the development of each language. Then he is creating the society which is good for people. That is democracy through the freedom of thoughts.

Aikido is a way to express ourselves in this society to create a better world. We must first ask a question, "What to do" and think with each word defined by ourselves.

18. June 2020


Slavery means a group of people controls another group of people in order to get profit. Slavery has existed all over the world and it still exist everywhere in different forms.

Most people imagine slavery like black Africans working in a cotton field in America or Africa but that is only one form of slavery. In the beginning of human civilisation which started thousands of years ago, each country had slaves in its own territory.  

If the territory is small like ancient Greek tribes, slaves were foreigners and small Greek population created so called democracy so that its army was consisted of almost all male population. This enabled the society to control the slaves. Later when European countries got civilised, they used their own people as slaves. Rich people used poor people as slaves. This structure was based on money economy and it became necessary to have more silver and gold.

Since 1600 Europeans started to get silver and gold from South America and Africa. At the same time they started to create a new slavery which is called colonisation. There was not enough space in European countries and they kept their slaves outside their countries. Russia and China was a big country so they did not need to import slaves but just continued to use poor people as slaves inside the territory. They needed dictatorship in order to control the poor people who were majority.

After the industrial revolution in Europe, there was a big need for engineers, scientists, teachers, managers, merchants, craftsmen, etc which were not possible for slaves. So the society became democratic so that the whole population was united in order to develop industry and technology. This enabled European countries to develop colonisation in the whole world outside and keep their slaves outside the territory.

Big countries such as Russia, China, and US kept their slaves inside the territory but they had to keep military control of the world in order to get some resources such as metal, diamond, petrol, uranium, etc. In Russia and China poor people work as slaves but in US black people originally imported from Africa work as slaves so it gives psychological problems called racism.

Europe imported slaves since 1960 but there is no need now. So many Europeans want to send them back to their original countries so that all slaves are outside their territory.

In the future technological development make it possible to produce everything with less people. This will create a new slavery inside a country. Those who have no job will become useless slaves who are only allowed to survive.

12. June 2020

Buying the future

I noticed that many people use the word "experience" in the last 5 years or so on internet. They use the word for something that will happen in the future such as the experience you will get if you buy a smartphone.

This is a new way of using the word because the word "experience" used to mean something that happened in the past.

There is a famous saying of Rockefeller who made a big fortune in Stockmarket in US, " Experience is a name you put for your past mistakes."  The general idea was that you should learn from your experience to create the better future.

It was difficult to know the future because of the unpredictable change such as war, government change, famine, virus, diseases, etc. So people used to create the future with their profound desire, love, patriotism, and philosophy. So "what to do" was the question.

Politicians used to debate political philosophies but nowadays politicians mostly negotiate how to distribute money. "How to do" has become the main question.

We have created an international banking system which tries to control the future with technology and military force. So the purpose of everything we do has become to get as much as money in the future. In order to get money in the future, we have to invest money. In other words we buy the future. Those who have more money can buy more future.

We have to know what we are buying and one of the things we buy is the future "experience".

We have seen that the omni-potent banking system, technology and military force cannot deal with virus. It is time for people to go back to the most basic question which is "What to do" for the future.

8. June 2020

War is not violence

I can imagine that some readers get very much disturbed by the title and even get violent.  War is not violence but it is as bad or even worse than violence. War is stealing from others by killing them. Violence does not necessarily include stealing.

That is why we must deal with war different way from dealing with violence.

As long as one country wants to steal from other countries, war will not stop.

People must think deeply how to live their comfortable life without their country stealing from other countries.  This is the only way to stop war.

5. June 2020

What is racism?

Most people think that normal people are not racist but some people become racists because of the bad education or bad society. That is the mistake. All lives are racist. Microbs, plants and animals are all racist. Racism is animal instinct so any human being can become a racist in some environment.

We have to educate ourselves to be free from this animal instinct which appears as racism.

The basic education is to live and let live. Animal instinct says,"Live and Let Die."  

Humans must try to find a way to live and let live. This is the only way to get rid of racism.

5. June 2020

Why does police violence exist?

Police violence have existed all over the world all the time. It happens when one thinks there are good people  and bad people. Most people including police think that good people make good world and bad people make bad world. So they try to educated  or punish bad people in order to create a better world.

This is the reason why people become violent. We have to deal with the total violence of humanity.

You have to see the reality of the world that most people in the world are good people and these good people are doing bad things and creating bad world. So good people should be educated so that they never do bad things. Justice in the society is necessary to prevent bad things to happen. It is important to establish a justice in the society but that is not the solution for the violence in this world.

How can good people be educated? I have been searching for it for the last 60 years of my life and  the only way I found is to help them to see their thoughts and body.

4. June 2020