Dear all Aikido people
Second Ki Newsletters is here!
The purpose is to help create communication, network, collaboration and foremost relationship.
Feel free to share.
The Newsletter are in English, French, Italian & Spanish, please mail me if you want to do a translation to your language.
The next Ki-Newsletter will arrive beginning of May.
Below are contributions from dojos around the world.
When we can do seminars again in person these will also be shared in the Ki Newsletter.
On April 24 2021, there will be a gathering for all dojo instructors to share visions and inspire each other.
Hopefully there can be a small report from the meeting in next Ki Newsletter.
If you want to contribute to the Ki Newsletter, contact via mail, ki-newsletter@toitsu.dk
On the blog Kinonagare.it
(Paolo Riccardi, Corrado Calossi, Andrea Ciambellini) there have been published these two articles:
Paolo Riccardi (Ki Dojo, Firenze, Italy) wrote the following article
"From “How to do” to “What to do”, now."
Links to the Italian and English version here:
Corrado Calossi (Ki Aikido Bologna, Italy) wrote the article that follows (in a certain way) Paolo's one.
What Are We? Where Do We Come From? Etc.
Links to the Italian and English version here:
The crazy people from Ki Aikido Bologna made this rolling challenge video!
See more fun videos from Aikido rolling all over the world here:
See many different examinations as inspiration:
A Tribute to the legacy of Yoshigasaki Sensei - An Invitation
Now that we are beginning to accept the profound loss of our teacher, I feel that we may need to take another step in remembering his legacy: what he has accomplished during his teaching in Europe. Especially those who have worked with him from the early years would be able to give an overview that would be very instructive for younger students. If you're interested, please read my more elaborate letter " A tribute to the work of Yoshigasaki Sensei' at link below.
Jan Baars, Ki-Aikido Haarlem, The Netherlands
Telegram group
Dear all friends!
As soon as there were wishes to get any platform for mutual communication at any forum, I would like to offer free way to do it. Here is the link of group in Telegram, you can join and talk each other there, send any media or links, etc.
Welcome and thank you
Evgeny Danilov (Ki-Aikido Nizhny Novgorod / Russia)
The coming time there will be a Photo memorial page next to "Remembering Doshu" page.
"Doshu inside and outside dojo"
If you have old and/or interesting photos of Doshu with students or other please send, high resolution if possible in mail.
Feel free to add date and more information:
Misogi bells
Evgeny Danilov (Ki-Aikido Nizhny Novgorod / Russia) are making misogi bells now. The price is 50 € + delivery. The number is unlimited, but now he has 10 in hand.
Pietro Gigliotti of Kiaikido Budokan, Italia
is also making Misogi bells.
The price is 25 € + delivery.
Online classes
Online Aikido & Feldenkrais by Heike Howein (Dojo am Fluss)
Saturday, 10.4.2021, 15:15 - 16:45 (MEZ)
Silent Misogi online meeting
Usually at the first sunday of a month from 10 to 11 (MEZ) there is a meeting of people practicing silent misogi via zoom.
You are very welcome to join. For zoom link and further information please send email to Heike: aikido@dojo-am-fluss.de
Misogi and Breath Education Practice
Naduir Dojo, Galway, Ireland
Online Class opened for everybody who wants to explore deeper into their breath.
April date: Sunday 18th April (after that regular on the second Sunday of every month.)
Time: 9.00 am CET
Duration 1h 30 min
contact Josef Steiner and I will forward you the Zoom log in for the event
josef.bcst@gmail.com / http://bit.ly/MISOGIandBREATH
British Ki Society
Zoom classes:
Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday 7 pm UK time and runs for 90 minutes (8pm European Time)
Each class starts with 30 minutes of Kenkotaiso/Seizaho/Seitaiho/Aikitaiso. Feel free to just practise this and leave if you do not want to do the Aikido
Contact Jayesh Karadia. london@knk.org.uk
Online Aikido by Markus Schein, Ki & Aikido Dojo Kassel e.v.
each thursday from 8 til 9.15pm
Online Aikido sessions of Ki & Aikido Dojo Berlin with Sigrid Buck
We happily welcome you to our online training!
- Wednesday, 19:15 - 21:00 (might change to Tuesday after Easter)
We usually start with Kenko Taiso, breathing, Hitori Waza, stretching and some non-Aikido fitness exercises (to compensate the missing exercising elements of on-the-mat Aikido practice). Then we practice some Aikido – with a focus on refreshing examination programs and Tsuzukiwaza.
For further info and the link, contact Lilly: dojo@ki-aikido-berlin.de
Online classes Aikido Dojo infinity moves e.V.
Aikido Tuesdays, 19:30 - 20:45h, teacher Iris, in english if foreign people join
Ki Keiko class, Saturdays, 10 -11h, teacher Raymond, always in english
if you like joining, please write to:
Zoom classes in Ki Aikido Buenos Aires:
During April will start again our zoom Ki Aikido classes.
Classes are in Spanish.
Every Saturday 16:00 to 18:00 hours (Buenos Aires time).
We have two parts of the class:
Beginners: we study articles or videos related with Hitori and Kumi Waza.
Advanced: we study articles written by Doshu.
You are welcome to participate in every class, they are free.
You just need to ask the link to participate by WhatsApp: +54911 6911-3055
For more information you can send a message by WhatsApp,
Write to Sensei Norberto Kiman by email / Or just visit our dojo web site:
norbertokiman@hotmail.com / http://kiaikidobuenosaires.com.ar/
Aikido with Michael / toitsu.dk
international online class in English.
Next time May 8
Registration: online@toitsu.dk
The Netherlands, many years ago