Japansk kultur
Satori is not enlightenment
(Kommer på dansk senere)
The word "satori" has been used by Zen people for many years in Japan and most probably someone in Europe or United States translated it as "enlightenment".
The real meaning of "enlightenment" is intellectual and philosophical movement in Europe. See Wikipedia if you are interested.
So "enlightenment" has nothing to do with "satori". Satori is based on physical experience. Enlightenment is intellectual and philosophical. I suppose some Indian guru mixed them in order to get many students in Europe and US. It happens very often that people twist the meaning of words for commercial reason. It is happening all the time in our society and we all have to careful not to be brain-washed by them.
26. April 2020
Do not try to change the world
(Kommer på dansk senere)
Many people including famous philosophers and professors are talking about changing the world and they are wrong. Their mistake come from the fact that the world has changed with the use of coal and petrol.
First industrial revolution based on coal only created weapon industry because the extraction of coal from underground was still based on human labour.
The second industrial revolution based on petrol change the world because petrol came out of the ground without human labour and after that combustion engine replaced human labour. This is the change created by the use of material energy. However, use of material energy cannot be continued in the future. Climate change and pollution and the end of petrol production will come inevitably.
It does not mean that we have to change the world. The idea of changing the world is based on use of material energy and only material part of the world can be changed through technology, Technology cannot solve the problem of the world because it is technology itself which created the problem.
Life cannot be changed. Life can only be created. It is useless to try to change the bad people. The only thing we can do is to wait until bad people die and hope that their children will become good people.
We should try to create the good world instead of trying to change the world.
Japan had a very highly developed civilisation in 19 century without use of coal or petrol. Then Japan could develop technology based on coal and petrol very quickly. There must be something which can create a bridge between technology and way of life in the Japanese culture.
I always tried to develop Aikido and taught it in order to create the world for the future.
11. April 2020
Hvad er Zen?
Der råder en stor misforståelse af hvad Zen er. Det er indlysende at den kommer fra Buddhismen og er udviklet i Kina, og først senere kom til Japan. Men, den Zen der er udviklet i Japan, er helt forskellig fra det Indiske eller Kinesiske ophav. Det er grunden til at Japansk Zen måske ikke engang er en del af Buddhismen. Selv inden for Buddhisme er det velkendt, at den Japanske Buddhisme er meget forskellig fra Buddhismen i andre lande, som f.eks. Tibet, Vietnam etc.
Det vigtigeste element ved Zen er, at det ikke er meditation. Det er en fysisk øvelse i at prøve at opnå evnen til at se en's egen krop uafhængigt af en's psyke (følelser, tanker, længsler, emotioner, etc). Så vil man forstå at kroppen kan handle på en afgørende måde, uden at tage et valg som er tænkt. Dette er formålet med Zen, og denne forståelse skaber en stor afspændthed og glæde.
25. marts 2020
Hvorfor sidder man længe i Zen?
Når man sidder længe, bliver det meget smertefuldt at opretholde stillingen. Man har brug for tanker eller ønsker for at skabe en forandring, men man har ikke brug for dem til at opretholde den samme stilling. Man lærer således at kontrollere ens egen krop uden tanker eller følelser. Så bliver man i stand til, at se ens egen krop uafhængigt af ens psyke.
25. marts 2020